Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Children Snore? Wary Of OSAS


JAKARTA, — Snoring in adults often disrupts couples his sleep so easily detected. While in children dengkuran is often thought of something that happened because the child was exhausted.

Dengkuran in children seyogianya look out for. So, dengkuran could be an indication of the obstruction of breathing while sleeping. If not handled properly, can lead to complications in dengkuran later in the day, such as a sleepy hyperactivity, impaired performance in school, (yet) in school, even up to blood vessel disorders.

Thus the speech of Prof. Dr. Dr. Bambang Supriyanto SpA (K) in the inaugural professor of the Faculty of medicine University of Indonesia in the Hall is SUPPORTED, Salemba, Jakarta, Saturday (10/9/2011). His speech was titled "Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in children: an overview of Current Developments".

He delivered, snoring due to obstruction or blockage in the upper respiratory tract. Depth of obstruction are grouped into three major groups, i.e. nose, nasofarings, and hipofarings. Dengkuran on children, said Bambang, could be an indication of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS).

"OSAS is an illness severe sleep disorders due to obstruction (blockage) road leading to the symptoms of URTI snoring (snoring)," said Bambang.

A man called doctor Bambang's familiar explains, the risk factors of childhood OSAS is triggered by, among others, and tonsillar surgeries, adenoid hypertrophy disproporsi craniofacial Centre, obesity, age, gender, and atopy (allergies).

Adenoid hypertrophy and tonsillar surgeries is the State most often cause OSAS on children. However, most of the young person with OSAS improved after adenotonsilektomi. Whereas in adults, obesity is the main cause.

The clinical manifestations were snoring and OSAS difficulty breathing during sleep that can occur on an ongoing basis (each bed) or only at certain positions.

OSAS could be diagnosed with polisomnografi (PSG), which is a tool that can record the activity of the child at the time of sleep. "From a recording frequency can be calculated per hour non-stop her breathing to determine degrees of OSAS. 3-5 grade AHI called OSAS lightweight, AHI 5-10 called the medium, and the value of the AHI in the top 10 is called the weight, "he added OSAS.

Complications of OSAS among others failed to grow; cardiovascular abnormalities such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and pulmonary hypertension; a decrease in performance; and enuresis. Sense of excessive drowsiness during the day was reported to have occurred on the 31st to 84 per cent of children with OSAS.

"Another complaint that can accompany the OSAS are developmental delay, appearances at the school that are less good, hyperactivity, aggressive attitude, to withdraw from the social environment," said Bambang.

For a child, OSAS could be cured with surgery and the media (non-surgical). OSAS also can be cured with medication and diet in children with obesity.

healt and safety

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