Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Six effective diet rules
Monday, July 14, 2008
Time your meals to your body rhythms
Yang energy (digestive fire) is highest from 11am to 1 pm, therefore; we must eat our biggest meal at this time of the day. At this time we are able to metabolically process the most food. We are unable to process food at night time. Eating heavy at the end of the day leads to the accumulation of wastes and undigested food in the digestive tract. The liver becomes overburdened and is unable to perform its functions of detoxification and repair of the tissues. Therefore the body becomes weakened and susceptible to Candida, allergies, eczema and toxic overload. Eating at night will also cause insomnia as the body does not allow itself to shut down and make the transition towards the sleep state. If we remain awake past 11pm we interfere with our livers function of detoxification and rebuilding of our body. At this time we often get a second wind as well, making it even more difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, we should aim to go to sleep around 10:00-10:30pm to regulate our autonomic nervous system and avoid depletion of our vitality and Yin (body fluids/hormones/glandular tissue).
It is also important to allow the digestive system to clean itself after you eat. This happens naturally two hours after you eat. The digestive tract secretes more digestive juices and enzymes to clean and sterilize the bowels. You may feel the urge to snack at this time. If necessary you could eat a piece of fruit, however it is best to allow the body to be free of more work. If we eat during this time we disturb this process of self-cleansing which again leads to bacterial/candida overgrowth and dysbiosis and digestive upset and myriad health problems.
Take home message: Meals should be timed appropriately.
Breakfast = 7-9 am. Lunch = 11-1pm. Supper = 5-7pm. (These are the Stomach, Heart and Kidney times) - Relax when you eat
The digestive system only works properly when we are relaxed and at ease. This is because the first level of digestion occurs in the mind and brain. When we eat in a relaxed manner we will taste our food and become absorbed in the process of nourishing ourselves. This is natural. Eating in a distracted way, for example watching TV or having involved conversation during our meals will take us away from the relaxed and absorbed state. This will disengage the brain and mind from digestion and lead to all sorts of digestive and systemic difficulties.
- Avoid all cold food and drink
When cold food and drink makes contact with your stomach, the secretions of the stomach are decreased. Food will sit in the stomach longer to be warmed before it can be digested. The food we eat cold is not properly digested leading to illness.
- Avoid drinking water with meals
Water dilutes the acid and enzymes of the stomach. The stomach functions to turn the food we eat into a 100 degree soup. Therefore it needs some fluid, but this fluid must be in the form of broth or light tea which does not dilute digestive secretions like water. Sipping hot tea or eating soup will help our stomach to make our meal the appropriate consistency. This will decrease the workload and energy expenditure of the stomach and digestive system and increase our absorption power and overall vitality
- Decrease raw and concentrated (heavy and fatty) foods
Raw foods are densely packed with vitamins, minerals and are very fibrous. This makes them difficult to break down and digest. Steaming vegetables briefly until they become brighter will make them much easier to digest and therefore will provide you with much more nutritional value. Boiling and stir frying are also good ways to prepare foods. Thick sauces, high fat foods and too many vitamin pills/supplements will also weaken the digestive system over time and should be moderated.