Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more of the joints of the body. It is usually followed by pain and stiffness especially in the morning or after exercise. In addition to pain and stiffness, the symptoms can be also swollen, altered bone formation and / or reduced the scope of the motion or limitation of motion, so that certain parts of the body can no longer function properly.
Inflammation of joints also makes noise when moved. The term arthritis literally means "inflammation of the joints". In certain conditions arthritis can affect other body parts - such as muscle, bone and organ in the body - and can lead to decreased function of the body and sometimes there can be life-threatening complications.
This arthritis can be divided into 3 groups of rheumatic arthritis that usually attack the finger joints, wrists, knees and toes. However, that does not mean that the other joints throughout the body completely free from attacks.
The second is the osteoarthritis that can attack any joint but usually occurs in the waist, knees, legs and spine. Next is gout which often attack the lower limbs and is usually the main target of the toes. The pain of arthritis can be so severe that touched socks or bed sheets can be unbearable pain.
For the prevention and cure arthritis, natural ways are the best:
1. Control your food consumption
Avoid red meat, organ meats, saturated fats, milk & milk products, caffeine, salt, white sugar, white flour (all foods made from it), all junk food and cigarettes. Avoid tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant & peppers that contain solanine because it would trigger a reaction in some people with arthritis.
You are better consuming foods which are alkaline, vegetables 50-60%, and raw fruits (vegetarian diet). Eat more foods contain sulfur such as asparagus, garlic and onions. iT is because sulfur is needed to repair and rebuild bone, and its cartilage network. Sulfur also helps the absorption of calcium.
Pineapple, frequently eat pineapple. Because of the bromelain enzyme in pineapple is very good for reducing inflammation. To be effective, the pineapple should be fresh rather than frozen or canned. Consume of rice and broken skin foods that contain fiber.
Avoid consumption of iron substance supplements because iron is expected to aggravate the pain, swelling and damage.
2. Prevent and resolve arthritis with cod liver oil
Research has shown, taking cod liver oil in small quantities every day lowered the potential damage to the cartilage, which is one of the main symptoms of osteoarthritis. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids contained in oil can help reduce pain and inflammation due to arthritis. Therefore, it is very profitable if you can consume 1-2 teaspoons of cod liver oil in your life everyday.
3. Prevent pain with ice
Joints will be painful if they are used in excess. To prevent this, compress the joints with bag of ice for 15-20 minutes. Then lift the ice and can be repeated again after 10-15 minutes.
4. Natural treatment of arthritis with Epsom salt
Epsom salts, or also known as magnesium salt, surely you have already known, is very important for bone growth and regulates body pH levels. Lack of magnesium will decrease the body's ability to absorb and use calcium and phosphorus, 2 base mineral for bone development.
The following natural treatments can be used to reduce the symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. But do not forget, if you suffer from heart or kidney disease, consult your doctor first before trying this treatment. Excess magnesium can trigger diarrhea, dizziness, cramps, muscle weakness, and abnormal heart.
Combine 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of Epsom salt into a liter of warm water 0:56. Drink 1 teaspoon of it in the morning and 1 teaspoon at night.
Add 3 cups of Epsom salts into the tub to warm water and bath in it. Magnesium in the salt will be absorbed by the body and relaxes your joints and muscles which are stiff.
5. Vegetable juice
Vegetable juice is proven significantly reduce pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. You can use the carrot juice, celery juice, cabbage juice, or tomato juice.
6. Natural treatments with cinnamon
Studies have shown, cinnamon is an effective natural treatment to relieve the pain of arthritis. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder in 1 tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast. Do it every day for 1 month. You'd be able to feel the results in the first week 1.
7. Relieve pain by reducing stress
If you feel sick and grew tense, then you will feel more pain. Those who can control everything in life are also better able to control pain than those who did not. Research shows the importance of psychological attitudes in relieving pain due to arthritis. If you suffer from arthritis, you should be able to learn to understand it. Do not force yourself to do all things when you do not feel pain. This will make you exhausted and in pain the next day. Do a little every day, either when experiencing pain or not.
Learn to relax. If you focus on the pain, it will feel more pain. But, if you're busy with other things that are important to you, you will not be too much feel the pain.
8. Bathing in the pool
Studies have shown, floating on the pond, especially in ponds that have been specially designed with a temperature that has been adjusted to ease the pain of arthritis. With bath, stress will be reduced, and then the pain will also be reduced. When floating, the body will relax, the muscles relax too, and this will stimulate to release of endorphins, natural painkillers your body. The temperature is adjusted to the skin temperature will also make you completely relaxed.
9. Prevent stiff in the morning
Almost 90% of patients with arthritis feel stiff in the morning. To avoid this, apply the ointment at night before bed. This will make you relax and strengthen you mentally. Arthritis sufferers generally feel better all day if they feel stiff when you wake up in the morning.
10. Stretch gently
Stretching works to strengthen and improve mobility. A sport sometimes is a dilemma when confronted with rheumatoid arthritis. Moving sick, but did not move at all also won’t be good. Improper movement could endanger, but the proper motion can heal.
Try doing yoga. Yoga is usually taught with a range of joint movement right so that it can bring the wrong joint return to normal position when the muscles stretched and strengthened, but do not forget, intelligence is the key to yoga's health returns. But, make sure you do so in accordance with the limits of your illness.
11. Regular exercise
Regular exercise is very important to reduce pain, improve mobility. But it must be considered to not provide excessive burden on the affected part (must be in accordance with the ability of each person).
Exercise can increase metabolic rate to produce synovial fluid, which can take free radicals. Exercise is also function as antioxidants when done regularly.
With exercise, the body also produces cortisone which can neutralize the calcium deposits. This is better than cortisone drugs can sometimes dissolve the bone.
Doctors used to tell the patient should not exercise. However, recent research shows that exercise can even relieve pain, joints more flexible, freer movement, improve blood circulation, and improve mobility.
95% of people with arthritis exercise to get the benefits. Learn to breathe deeply
and sunbathe to get enough vitamin D for bone health. (Research in Oslo Norway showed that more severe arthritis sufferers in snowing season).
12. Detoxification
Detox can really reduce the pain, especially; detox can also lose weight for obesity. With detoxification for 5 days or more, there will be the effect of reducing inflammation.