Friday, September 16, 2011

Women and menstrual pain

Women and painful menstruation – many women complained of pain during menstruation, some even fainted because of the pain until the great irresistible.

Painful menstruation alone or dismenorrhoe are painful muscle spasms (spasmodic) on lower abdominal and thigh or spreads kesisi in the lower part of your waist that occurs prior to menstruation or during menstruation is caused by muscle contraction uterus triggered by hormones prostaglandins.

Sindrom1 150x150 Perempuan dan nyeri haidIllustration: google

Things that should be avoided in order to reduce pain during menstruation/coming months is to not consume foods that contain saturated fats, caffeine, coffee, tea, chocolate, and soda.

Expand drink warm water to relieve cramping, furthermore it is believed those earlier that the temperature of the heat is natural medicine in reducing pain during painful menstruation. Calcium, vitamin B6 and magnesium supplements may also help relieve cramps during the period of premenstrual syndrome.

Here are some of the herbal medicine may help relieve painful menstruation:

Research laboratories indicates that sweet potatoes contain compounds called diosgenin, which can be converted into different steroids, such as estrogen so capable of being natural is good therapy.

To get a (good), sweet potatoes can be eaten directly in the form of sweet boiled or processed into other foods. In some areas, sweet potatoes are also available in the form of powders and pills.

Cinnamon Bark powder (0.5-2.5 grams) hot water (1/2 cups)

•Brewing time ground cinnamon to use hot water. Drink this concoction twice a day with the same dose.

It is strongly recommended to irregular menstrual problems.

Materials & how:

Finely milled leaves of Kalanchoe pinnata-10 sheets, 5 5 water gourd fruit majakan, 1 cucumber fruit, leaves 10 pieces, 10 sheets of Erythrina Variegata srep sambaing leaves plug it, add water, salt to taste. Later highly to the stomach, then balut. Do twice a day.

In addition to consumption, clove also turned out to be used to treat pain when menstruation.

Provide 5 grains of clove, coriander grains 7, 10 grams of turmeric, and 5 grams of nutmeg. Once washed, boiled ingredients with 400 cc warm water remaining 200 cc. Strain, then drink water stew while warm.

However, if pain during menstruation was also keep perceived, then you should consult your doctor for further treatment.

Good Luck ...

painful menstruation (13), pain comes in (2), menstruation (1), treat pain during and after menstruation (1), reduces menstrual pain (1), easing the pain coming months (1), relieve menstrual pain (1), pain during the coming months (1), the home of tina toon (1), treating painful menstruation (1),Iritasi Mata

Tips Overcome the eye Sembab -All people may have experienced eye sembab, usually the women want to get around the eyes

Tidur di siang hari -If our performance is dropping what's the solution? NAP turns out to have the effect of having a solid activity, after waking up

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Tips to organize your kitchen -for the housewife who often spends his time didapur to beraktifitas like cooking, surely would like to see

healt and safety

Mobile Phone Radiation Can Damage The Sperm Cells Of Men

Mobile phone Radiation can damage sperm cells -Sometimes we are not mempeduliakan when the phone is ringing or alarm us which reads disaku pants. Whereas some of the results of the study explains how the danger of radiation from mobile phones to effect the quality of sperm.

32 300x225 Radiasi Handphone Dapat Merusak Sel Sperma PriaRadiation PonselAda some of the results of the studies have shown that men have a mobile phone number of spermanya less, slower moving and corrupt, as compared with men who do not use mobile phones. The ponselah repository actually cause problems.Some time ago researchers from South Africa to find the man who brought the mobile at the waist or in pockets of jeans the front has a sperm swim slower so the difficulty of reaching the egg and less concentration. It greatly influences the fertility of a man.
"The results of this research into commemoration dah alerted by a man who was still in the reproductive age and used to put your phone in the pocket of the pants," said Joel Moskowitz, Ph.d., Director of the University of California, Berkeley Center for Familiy and Community Health.
Other research conducted on mice experiment also gave the results are worrying. Rats are in special cages placed mobile posted 2 inches from the bottom of the enclosure by the researchers.After that with time the researchers found a decrease in sperm prosentasi living 25 percent, from 70 percent previously. In addition the sperm cells of rats that are stuck and unable to fertilise the egg.Moskowitz said the results of this research has not yet reached a conclusion because the mechanisms of radiation on changes in sperm cells is unknown.One of the theories mentioned mobile will heat of the moment is operated so that it will raise the temperature around the vital organs of men when stored in the pocket of the pants.Another hypothesis argues that deals with the electromagnetic frequency emitted by mobile phones. Good body cells or cell phones emit electromagnetic radiation frequency and very high frequency and be absorbed into the network thus increasing molecular movement inside the cells of the human body.Iritasi Mata

Tips Overcome the eye Sembab -All people may have experienced eye sembab, usually the women want to get around the eyes

Tidur di siang hari -If our performance is dropping what's the solution? NAP turns out to have the effect of having a solid activity, after waking up

Rokok Menthol The habit of Smoking Menthol Is More difficult to Stop -Smoking is nothing new for a man even women. What ifTanggulangi Nyeri Haid Dengan Herbal

Women and painful menstruation -many women complained of pain during menstruation, some even fainted because of the pain until

Banyak duduk

In a recent article published by the Journal of Applied Physiology, the researchers argue that a less active lifestyle

healt and safety

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Risk Factors Of Pregnancy Outside The Uterus

Posted in Disease Info on 02 Sep 2011 Print out the contents of the Pregnancy or the medical term is called an ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg cell that has been growing and growing outside the uterus. In this type of pregnancy, the fetus did not develop normally and in general fail to survive.According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, here are some risk factors of pregnancy outside the uterus: The scarring and or infection in the tuba.Scarring when surgery on the hip.Complications of appendicitis which breaks.Disorders of the fetus which led to a broken tuba channels.Pregnant women aged over 35 years.Having many sexual partners.In a rare case, pregnant while using the ASI.

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Osteoporosis In Men

Even though osteoporosis often occur in women after menopause, men can also suffer a disease of bone pengeroposan. As well as in women, osteoporosis in men also goes hand in hand with increasing age.

Here are some factors of the risk of osteoporosis in men:

Drinking alcohol is too much.Smoking. Rarely exercise.Too thin.Lack of vitamin D and calcium.Consuming certain drugs such as antikejang medicine, oral steroids or heparin.Grow older.Have a family history of the fracture was caused because the bones are brittle.Suffering from certain diseases such as asthma, disorder tyroid, and rheumatism.Suffering from lack of certain hormones such as estrogen or testoteron.

healt and safety

The Cause Of The Fainting

Posted in Info Disease on 11 Aug 2011 Print

Almost everyone had collapsed and many things can cause a person unconscious. Called fainted when someone suddenly lose consciousness due to a decline in its whereas the blood supply to the brain.

Here are some things that can cause a person unconscious.

Great pain in the abdominal area.While coughing violently.Standing in one place with a long duration.Beridiri outrageously fast from lying down position.Experiencing pain or fear.Bleeding is superb.Experienced significant dehydration.Experiencing a rapid decline in blood pressure.Consuming certain medications or drugs of abuse drugs and alcohol.Ngos ngosoan.Decreased blood sugar levels.

Those who have passed out will be realized in some time unless the cause of the collapse that could not be overcome by good. When it collapsed remain, immediately contact a doctor.

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Thalassemia is an abnormality in blood in the form of the failure of the body form of hemoglobin that is normal. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells with the primary function of delivering oxygen to the rest of the body organs. The disease derived from parents to children it can cause damage to red blood cells leading to anemia.SymptomsThe most severe type of thalassemia is alpha thalassemia major and usually a baby who suffered from this disease would have died while in content when the content is old age.Kids are born with thalassemia major will be born normally but suffers from severe anemia in the first years of his life.Other symptoms of thalassemia: Deformity of bone in the shape of the face.Swelling of the liver and the lymph.Those who suffer from alpha and beta thalassemia minor have red blood cells are smaller than normal and do not cause symptoms.Causes and risk factorsHemoglobin is formed of two types of protein that is alpha globin chains and beta globin chains. Thalassemia is caused when the genes that control the formation of proteins is experiencing interference.There are two kinds of thalassemia: Alpa thalassemia occurs when genes are associated with the alpha globin chains having a disorder/mutations.Beta thalassemia occurs when genes related to beta globin chains having a disorder/mutations.Alpha thalassemia much happening in the region of South-East Asia, the Middle East, China and Africa. Beta thalassemia is generally occur in regions of China, several places in Asia and the Americas. both types of thalassemia above has a form of thalassemia major and minor.Thalassemia major thalassemia gene occurs if derived from both parents, while thalassemia minor when gen only comes from one of the parents. People with thalassemia minor do not experience symptoms means but could lose disease thalassemia to his son.Beta thalassemia is also often called Cooley's anemia.Risk factors: thalassemia, Asian Race, Mediterranean and China-African American family history with the same disease.Examination and DiagnosticsPhysical examination found the enlargement on lymph.Examination of blood in the form of an abnormality of red blood cells. Red blood cells are abnormally shaped/smaller when viewed under a microscope.On the count of blood found anemia.When do pemerikan hemoglobin elektrophoresis found abnormal hemoglobin.TreatmentTreatment of thalassemia major usually with blood transfusions regularly and the granting of a supplement of folic acid.When performed blood transfusions, patients are prohibited from drinking iron supplements for if done then there will be a buildup of iron in the body and this is very dangerous.Sufferers who routinely receive blood transfusions would do chelation therapy to remove excess iron in the body.Bone marrow transplant is also useful for treating these diseases especially in young children.

healt and safety

Things you should know about acne rosacea treatment posted by: Walhaj

You may find there arise many alternatives there nevertheless perfect now, you can nevertheless obtain zero scientifically authenticated that are tested to become completely cost-effective and reliable in the same way.
Different thanks to save hand through cause, you can discover a different kind of repairs.

The diet plan.
In General, incredibly hot meals and drinks, booze, the content of food rich in sugar, garlic, citrus and juice associated consist causes worst swelling and suppression. Consume foods prosperous articles in supplements C, E and b help deal with the signs in addition to the symptoms with extensive long term quit.
Nutrition experts recommend consuming much more Brown eco-friendly vegetables, broccoli, do not forget your asparagus. Almost any fruit juice with grape juice black drunk at a temperature of the area between food items might help.

Green tea.
Drinking green tea can also help to address problems of acne rosacea course. Particular tea includes natural antioxidants, which help to fight against free radicals and relaxed skin. Directly using green tea on the affected skin may help calm and alleviate it. Properties of strained characteristic Kalawalla fight against poisons, ineffective the quiet special smartest. Green tea overstated the positive aspects of the Kalawalla, with the use of herbal tea types directly to your smartest helps details and also calm the idea.

Evening primrose oil.
It consists of a new content high gamma-lonlenic acid or satisfied. GLA may really be the health-giving crucial essential fatty acids, and it is actually effortlessly through his body. As a topical ointment, evening primrose oil may possibly correctly to relieve inflammation and also stimulate the synthesis of proteins. The special oil could stimulate commonly dried up to scaly skin, cracked restoration, dried on fabric.

A new topical (line in) antibiotic prescription called metronidazole (popularly known as "rozex" cream/gel) is the most widely selected strategy of soft pustules and much more problematic circumstances. If you have approved a combination of remedies such as oral antibiotics and ointments, it is important not to forget that they work in combination with one another. Quit one or perhaps use one over the other, as the cream with the focus of antibiotics on factors behind rosacea specific i.e antibiotics minimize inflammation and metronidazole (also anti-inflammatory) also has a separate action.

Topical steroid medications.
Are used to reduce inflammation in a number of skin diseases. They may not have usually the best option for the treatment of rosacea, however. Topical steroid ointment worse. Many topical and steroid products are obtained by doctor prescribed, but some significantly less powerful goods is available over-the-counter. Unless encouraged by your medical expert, avoid the use of these.

Azelaic acid.
It is a natural treatment all harvest whole wheat and rye, barley also. It may be preventive antimicrobial House falling in turn the microbe expansion particularly on the skin and also effectively reduces the signs and symptoms of rosacea as redness of the skin, papules and pustules. Other indicators such as bloating, drought, the pain and Telangiectasia is decreased. Drugs of acidity azelaic could cause many soft results on the system for example gnawing feeling.

View the original article here

Lost Babies Can "Shorten The Age"

your healty  —Lose the fruit of the heart indeed very painful, especially for the elderly, and not infrequently also traumatizing and sadness. However, more recent study in the journal BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care showing, losing a child can be risky at the death.

Researchers say, parents who have lost infants aged under one year tend to have shorter age. It says also that the parents who are grieving four times more at risk to die early in the first 10 years pascakehilangan children compared to those who do not grieve.

The conclusion above is intended for parents who lost their child from postpartum depression, or for those who lost her baby in the first year of life.

Researchers from the University of York and the University of Stirling says, an increased risk of death among older people who are grieving should become a major concern. In their opinion, required a large-scale study to identify the cause of death and find ways how to help the elderly.

"For example, the bereaved parents may be more likely to commit suicide than those who do not grieve," said the researcher.

Stress due to the loss may also have significant effects on the body, such as suppressing the immune system and increases the risk of disease.

The results showed that the parents in Scotland twice more likely to die within the first 15 years of pascakehilangan a child. In the meantime, to mothers in the United Kingdom and Wales four times more risky died pascakehilangan child.

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Personal Hygiene Tips for Good Health

Personal Hygiene Tips for Good HealthOne of the most effective ways you have to protect yourselves and others from illness is good personal hygiene. Good personal hygiene is the first step to good health. Habits such as washing your hands and brushing and flossing your teeth will help keep bacteria, viruses, and illnesses at bay.Practicing good body hygiene also helps you feel good about yourself

7 sign of the emergence of the disease

your healty Have you ever suddenly felt dizziness, abdominal pain, blurred vision and feels? Maybe it's a sign that your health is compromised.

Here are the 7 (seven) list of signs and symptoms that need to get noticed, regarding the threat of disease that may befall You.

1. weight loss without knowing why

Losing weight suddenly may sound as a dream come true. But the condition that it could be a sign of health problems. If you lose up to 10 percent of your weight over the last six months – for example, if You Your weight 68 kg reduced as much as 7 kilograms-should immediately consult your doctor.

Weight loss of unknown cause may trigger the emergence of a wide range of serious conditions, including a very active thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), diabetes, depression, heart disease, cancer or malabsorpsi.

2. high Fever

Fever is not always a sign of the dangers. Temperature plays an important role in the fight against infection. If you ever experience a fever for more than three days, we recommend that you consult your doctor.

High fever is a signal from the hidden infection, which may lead to infection in the urinary tract or tuberculosis. In some cases of cancer, including lymphoma, can cause prolonged or persistent fever. If you experience a high fever of about 39.4 degrees Celsius or more, consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

3. shortness of breath

Shortness of breath that feels worse than the nasal congestion is a strong signal has been a health problem. Feel shortness of breath when lying is a symptom that needs to be immediately evaluated. The cause of shortness of breath may be due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary emboli), heart and lung disease and other problems.

4. disorders of defecation

Consult your doctor if you notice unusual changes or unexplained related problems excreting (CHAPTER) like for example:

* CHAPTER of black or bloody, sticky
* Diarrhea or constipation
* CHAPTER suddenly (without inexplicable)

Change in bowel habits can indicate the presence of a bacterial infection, such as campylobacter or salmonella-or viral infections and parasites. As for the other risks involved such as irritable bowel and colon cancer.

5. Confused or personality changes

Immediately seek medical help if you are experiencing:

* confused suddenly
* confused about time or place (disorientation)
* have problems with memory or concentration
* changes in personality or behavior, such as being aggressive

Changes in behavior or thinking could be caused by many problems, including infections, anemia, low blood sugar, dehydration or mental health conditions. Sometimes certain drugs contribute to confusion or a change in personality.

6. Quick satiety

If you often feel full more quickly than usual (with a little portion), it's good to see a doctor immediately conduct investigation. The feeling of satiety is meant, may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating, and weight loss. If so, be sure to tell it to your doctor about signs and symptoms as well.

Most likely, the cause of full is due to gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, commonly known as irritable bowel syndrome. In some cases, more serious problems such as pancreatic cancer can be a factor are your triggers.

7. sensitive to light

Impaired due to light sometimes shows the development of migraine disease. Immediate medical treatment can help prevent loss of eyesight permanently. Migraine is a throbbing headache pain is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting. Sufferers are typically sensitive to light, sounds even among odours.

healt and safety

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bikin Stress Decreases Body Durability

By: Dr. Andri, SpKJ *

your healty The research about the relationship of stress and body durability system or known by the body's immune system is getting a lot done. Since the development of the science of Psikoneuroimunologi which is a science which relate to the relationship between the science of psychology, neuroscience and Immunology, the conditions relating to this are increasingly being scrutinized.

Psikoneuroimunologi insist on proof-proofs related to the body's immune system and its relationship with the stress that occurs in people. Mentioned, a lot of the impact of stress on the human body's immune system that results in a person more vulnerable suffer impaired immune system related diseases of the body.

Some time ago, when the second day of the World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine in Seoul, South Korea, speaker Prof. Christopher Coe of the University of Wisconsin, United States explain back about Psikoneuroimunologi in his lecture entitled "All Roads Lead To" Psychoneuroimmunology "

In his lecture of Prof. Coe says that it is more and more research and facts that describe the involvement of stress in influencing the human immune system. Some diseases that was briefly and stressed when the lecture is on asthma and fibromialgia.

Asthma we know as a respiratory disease of disorders involving the cells of the immune system and inflammation in the body. The disease cannot be cured (can only be controlled) is associated with the role of the immune system and stress that can trigger the onset of the attack.

Fibromialgia itself is a condition of disorder diseases that emphasized his complaint on pains in various parts of the body and the uncomfortable atmosphere juice is associated with this condition. More pain disorder is present on this lady later examined the impact of increasingly have related to stress and the immune system of the body.

Related condition in patients with immune system disorders associated with decreased levels of fibromialgia cells called Natural Killer (NK), Sitokon and Interleukin. This condition is also found in patients with depression.

No wonder the symptoms of depression and anxiety is also one of the sign condition fibromialgia. Fibromialgia itself does more to a previously known set of symptoms (syndrome) that involve a wide range of complaints. Condition of the syndrome is also often overlap with various other conditions such as the disruption of somatoform disorder (psychosomatic), pain, depression and prolonged fatigue disorder (chronic fatigue syndrome).

At the end of his lecture, Prof. Coe says there are still many open fields of research in this field and will certainly more and more knowledge can still be obtained by studying stress and its relationship with the human body's immune system.

* Psychiatrist Keminatan Psychosomatic Medicine

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The Women Indonesia Is Vulnerable To Depression

By: Dr. Andri, SpKJ *For handling patients with psychosomatic complaints, I often found basic diagnosis of patients with physical complaints that do not clear this is a disorder of anxiety and depression. Another thing I observed is that women are more often experience depression than anxious. If there are symptoms of a patient undergoing cemasnya, normally complaints depression which is more dominant.

This is certainly not a new thing in the world of Psychiatry. According to various studies that have been made, women are more likely to experience depression in comparison with men. Many factors affect this has been expressed.  However, the average research based in the community of Western countries.

I try to examine and sort out if what makes women Indonesia who came to practice a lot more experienced than Depression anxiety disorders.

1. Hormonal

Same as in the West, women of Indonesia research a few is also very disturbed with monthly hormonal cycle is also often coinciding with the change of mood or atmosphere of feeling uncomfortable. They usually experience an uncomfortable conditions towards menstruation and during menstruation. Statistically it is women in his life since the first phase of the mens (menarche) until later after menopause would quite often related to problems associated with hormonal mood for.

2. the demands of the role

The role of women let alone who married very complex. Women have to be a wife, mother of his son and even create "mother" for her husband as well, too often the people who expected women to help his family. The complexity of this role makes women vulnerable to stress. Moreover, if coupled with the desire of fixed mengaktualisasikaan which in fact often hampered. Acceptance of the role and the demands on it that can help women cope with the problem.

3. Conflict of households

A lot of cases I handle associated with the domestic conflict and most often is the husband's infidelity. Sometimes, this coupled with the attitude of most people around the neighborhood women had a "valued" the husband's infidelity. This is increasingly becoming a heavy burden for women who feel treated unfair.

4. the child is in trouble

Children often triggers the stress of parents especially mothers. Women in the household are often given more tasks in taking care of the child and this makes it is often more susceptible to stress, especially in the face of troubled children. The role of the husband in this condition is expected to be much help so that the role of the mother becomes easier.

So a bit of my examination results to cases that are often experienced by women who are experiencing depression. Other factors may exist and may be the dominant factor for each woman. Berempatilah with women Indonesia! Healthy Greeting People.

* Psychiatrist Keminatan Psychosomatic Medicine

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Convicted HIV, Can Get Married?


If a person is declared positive HIV patients, whether he should not get married? Because there is a doctor who says HIV patient could have married and some are saying no. The formula actually passcode like what?

(Santoso Liadi, 37, Makassar)

REPLIED:Thank you for your question, there is really no instructions or guidelines international stating whether we recommend that people with HIV-positive are married or not.

HIV itself as far as is known did have a high risk of transmission both with marry or not. Transmission can occur among the users of illegal drugs (drugs) the mutual use of shared syringes, with alternate sexual partner without wearing seat belts, even with the transmission of HIV-positive mothers to infants.

If You inquire whether married or not sebaikya and request the default formulas are, I think there is no formula to marry or not for people with HIV/AIDS. All that's return on the attitude to each individual, because of the readiness of the mental, physical, spiritual, including understanding what exactly it is definitively necessary. HIV

If someone feels ready to accept what they are or are not able to receive, then it surely influenced the decision to marry a person isn't it? I hope my reply could help You.

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Why Become Old Means Getting Better doesn't always indicate bad things to come. The phrase that "wisdom appears as increasing age" may be true it is.

Although not all would probably feel it, but a recent study published by the Journal of Social Sciences and Medicine shows that when increasing age, we are growing with more feeling happy and satisfied.  It seems counter-intuitive, but it does prove to be experienced by both men and women in South America and some parts of the world.

How does this happen? Here are a few reasons: 1. reach a low point at the age of 44 years

Research scholars in South America and the United Kingdom on the basis of data collected from men and women in 80 countries over the past 35 years, regardless of gender, nationality or status of the economics of human welfare, tend to experience in the form of "u" curve with the smallest year fulfilled falls at the age of early to mid-40s. Thus, the age increases, welfare has also risen.

2. how to view improved when reaching the age of 50

Researchers who study about the Middle Ages also found similar evidence that once we reach the age of 40 's--or after undergoing a "mid-life crisis"--the mood (mood) we improved, as well as with various other things. This may happen because we have the more intelligent, at least about some things. Some kind of mental load also actually become easier when we stepped on the age of 50 to 60 's, because we apply accumulated knowledge or "crystallized intelligence" to the new information. 3. we are becoming more "goal-oriented."

At the age of 20 and 30 's, the we set high standards for themselves both in personal and professional. If we don't reach that goal by the standards you want when you reach the 40s, this is the moment where we are likely to experience depression and dissatisfaction related to the middle ages. But, at the age of 50 's, the we are becoming more realistic, more worried about things that really matter that can give you a sense of fulfillment (fulfillment), so then we started to set new goals and return focus to achieve it. 4. Find satisfaction in the achievement of

If we spent the beginning of the Decade by identifying themselves as maturity the lyrics of "(Can't Get No) Satisfaction" from the Rolling Stones. Is not the case when the age reached 50 and 60s, because at this stage we are likely to change the way perspective and our hearts.

After checking the reality and formulate age 40an re-purpose as well as an update, we become more able to use the rest of the age to see everything clearly and appreciate the process where we come from, how can we get there, and what we have achieved along the way.

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Mengapa Anda Harus Minum Selagi Makan?

your healty  you may have heard the suggestion not to drink while enjoying the food because, according to a myth in circulation, the customs that may interfere with the digestion or stomach cramps cause.

However, it is not the case according to the Mayo Clinic. In fact, drinking while eating is something that is healthy. The following are some of the benefits that can be retrieved from the habit of drinking while eating.

1. improve digestive health

According to Dr. Michael f. Picco, writer for the Mayo Clinic, downed water during meals can help the process of digestion of food. Water and other liquid types capable of breaking down food in the stomach as well as keep the digestive system. Water also helps deliver oxygen throughout the body and helps produce energy that can be used in the digestive tract. In addition, the water keeping the mouth, throat, and lips from the possibility of dehydration as well as addressing problems such as dry mouth and bad breath.

2. makes you feel full faster

Drinking enough water while eating can make you feel full faster and decrease the amount of calories consumed. Water can also react naturally with the fiber contained in foods that cause stomach "Swell". This process can activate receptors in the brain that the body of the stomach and you acknowledge that you have enough to eat. This makes the "drink during meal" became the controller of a healthy weight.

3. freshening

SWIG of water while eating can also refresh the palate in your mouth and clean particle leftovers as well as eliminating the rest of the food flavors of the dish you ate. In fact, some cultures have a habit to SIP the broth or a soup when eating semur for the same purpose as well as drinking water.

However, health experts recommend not to MedlinePlus from downed air while you eat when you are in pain or seeking treatment chronic diseases can eliminate appetite. The reason, when ill, perhaps you feel no appetite. But, at the same time, the body requires sufficient calories so that You remain strong and healthy return of pain.

Drink it while eating can reduce the total kalaori the diasup of foods and this can be counterproductive to healing You. It does not mean you have to be a little to drink liquids. You need to stay hydrated, but with enough fluid levels so that the liquid does not interfere with the amount of caloric intake and you also get enough nutrients. (M10-11)

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Children Snore? Wary Of OSAS


JAKARTA, — Snoring in adults often disrupts couples his sleep so easily detected. While in children dengkuran is often thought of something that happened because the child was exhausted.

Dengkuran in children seyogianya look out for. So, dengkuran could be an indication of the obstruction of breathing while sleeping. If not handled properly, can lead to complications in dengkuran later in the day, such as a sleepy hyperactivity, impaired performance in school, (yet) in school, even up to blood vessel disorders.

Thus the speech of Prof. Dr. Dr. Bambang Supriyanto SpA (K) in the inaugural professor of the Faculty of medicine University of Indonesia in the Hall is SUPPORTED, Salemba, Jakarta, Saturday (10/9/2011). His speech was titled "Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome in children: an overview of Current Developments".

He delivered, snoring due to obstruction or blockage in the upper respiratory tract. Depth of obstruction are grouped into three major groups, i.e. nose, nasofarings, and hipofarings. Dengkuran on children, said Bambang, could be an indication of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS).

"OSAS is an illness severe sleep disorders due to obstruction (blockage) road leading to the symptoms of URTI snoring (snoring)," said Bambang.

A man called doctor Bambang's familiar explains, the risk factors of childhood OSAS is triggered by, among others, and tonsillar surgeries, adenoid hypertrophy disproporsi craniofacial Centre, obesity, age, gender, and atopy (allergies).

Adenoid hypertrophy and tonsillar surgeries is the State most often cause OSAS on children. However, most of the young person with OSAS improved after adenotonsilektomi. Whereas in adults, obesity is the main cause.

The clinical manifestations were snoring and OSAS difficulty breathing during sleep that can occur on an ongoing basis (each bed) or only at certain positions.

OSAS could be diagnosed with polisomnografi (PSG), which is a tool that can record the activity of the child at the time of sleep. "From a recording frequency can be calculated per hour non-stop her breathing to determine degrees of OSAS. 3-5 grade AHI called OSAS lightweight, AHI 5-10 called the medium, and the value of the AHI in the top 10 is called the weight, "he added OSAS.

Complications of OSAS among others failed to grow; cardiovascular abnormalities such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and pulmonary hypertension; a decrease in performance; and enuresis. Sense of excessive drowsiness during the day was reported to have occurred on the 31st to 84 per cent of children with OSAS.

"Another complaint that can accompany the OSAS are developmental delay, appearances at the school that are less good, hyperactivity, aggressive attitude, to withdraw from the social environment," said Bambang.

For a child, OSAS could be cured with surgery and the media (non-surgical). OSAS also can be cured with medication and diet in children with obesity.

healt and safety

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In order that the child is free of germs, Teach 6 it is

your healty - Personal hygiene of a child should be a top priority of the parent as prevention efforts of the various kinds of germs that might cause the disease. Kids tend to be easily exposed to the disease because of ignorance and curiosity.

Therefore, it is important for parents to inculcate a clean life habits early on. There are some fundamental things that you must teach the child related to implement live clean:

1. wash your hands

After the child is taught to wash their hands, it would be easy to teach him when he had to wash your hands. Experts argue that the best way to make children want to wash your hands is to sing a song. Teach how to wash your hands properly like rubbing the palms, the surface of the hand and between the fingers. And most importantly, You have to teach him to clean up the dirt on her nails.

2. toothbrush

Dental care is required since a one-year-old child to prevent the risk of cavities. Many ways to make kids want to scrub the tooth. One of them is by giving a toothbrush that illustrated his favorite card, so that it becomes a fun activity for him. Make sure that he was brushing his incisors and canines with the movement up and down. Teach the child to brushing your teeth twice a day to remove the remaining food was sticking to the teeth.

3. cleaning the tongue

Teach your child to clean out his tongue after brushing your teeth. The tongue is a great place for bacteria to grow and develop. Tell Your kids to clean up two-thirds of the tongue and hindarkan rough brush users (to prevent abrasions).

4. Bathe twice a day

According to experts, the frequency of bathing depending on the season. During the summer, children usually sweating and hence a bath twice a day will help clean your child's skin. Teach him to rub the face, hands, feet, armpits, base and lower thighs, and rinse all SOAP on his body with running water. If your child refuses to shower, persuade him to put her favorite toy in the bath.

5. clean the ears

Child ear hygiene should not be escaped your attention. Bring your child to the doctor so that dirt in his ears can be cleaned up to prevent the risk of complications such as infection, irritation or damage to the eardrum.

6. own Bath

A child should be taught to be able to clear himself. It is intended for independent children. You can teach it when the child reaches the age of two or three years.

healt and safety

Overcoming Painful Leg in pregnant women

your healty -During pregnancy, not rarely the pregnant women experience a swelling of the ankles. Such a condition is reasonable. Roger w. Harms midwifery from Mayo Clinic experts say, a lot of factors that contribute to the swelling of ankles during pregnancy (including hormonal changes).

In this State, for the first time the body will produce and retain more fluids during pregnancy. In addition, the uterus will dilate blood vessels, thus suppressing disturb the return of blood to the heart. This situation in turn can cause swelling in the ankles.

Thus, what should you do to cope with swelling of the ankles while pregnant? The following are some tips that may help You follow, according to the exposure Roger:

* Do not stand too long

Avoid standing for a long time, and do not cross your legs. For merilekskannya, you also get an occasional twisted ankles. It would be better if You lie down with your legs elevated position.

* Sleep sideways

If can, tidurlah sideways towards the left. This position is to put pressure on blood vessels of the vena cava inferior or venous blood returns the greatest of the lower body to the heart. Another way you can do is raise Your legs a bit by using the help of pillows.

* Wear compression stockings

To cope with swelling of the legs, the doctor will usually recommend to you to wear compression stockings. Compression stockings (also known as medical stockings) used to treat problems with blood circulation and fluid in the legs.

* Drink lots of water

The Institute of Medicine recommends about 10 pints (2.3 liters) of fluid a day during pregnancy.

* Do physical activity

During pregnancy, it's good you're doing mild exercise such as walking, riding a stationary bike or swim in the pool.

* Standing up in the pool

Some research reveals the pressure of the water is beneficial to the foot and ankle swelling. Standing in a pool will help compress network on foot and provide assistance while associated swelling during pregnancy.

* Stay calm

Need peace for pregnant women in overcoming problems of swollen feet. Kompreslah a swollen leg by using cold water.  In addition, some research indicates that regular foot massage can help lower the risk of foot swelling during pregnancy.

Although the swelling of the ankles during pregnancy is a normal thing, but it's not that these conditions can be considered trivial. According to Roger, conditions such as swelling occurs suddenly and only occurs in one leg, had to get serious attention.

Severe swelling or suddenly could be a sign of a serious condition called pre-eclampsia. Signs and symptoms of preeclampsia include, headaches, blurred vision and weight down quickly.

Meanwhile, the swelling on just one foot accompanied by pain or pain in the calf or thigh shows there has been blood clotting. If these two conditions occur, it is advisable to immediately conduct a consultation with a doctor to get treatment.

healt and safety

7 How to Redakan Pain without drugs

your healty - Pain is a symptom that is often experienced by anyone. You do not need to panic because of the direct cause of the soreness may just not something harmful. Forms of pain can vary, can attack somewhere different and represent a variety of health problems.

Here are some ways meradakan and eliminate pain. In this way is an alternative that can be done when you do not want to consume drugs: pain reliever

1. Fulfill the need of vitamin D

Lack of vitamin D could be the cause of the occurrence of chronic muscle pain. Fish and sunshine in the morning is the largest source to get this vitamin. The average person need vitamin D 200 IU per day, however, for those aged 50 to 70 years the need for vitamin D increases to 400 IU per day. For those who have stepped on the age of over 70, needs to be 500 IU of vitamin D.

A study at the University of Minnesota found, 93 percent of the total respondents who experienced musculoskeletal pain non specific, vitamin D deficiency suffer.  The granting of a supplement of vitamin D to the sufferer unable to relieve muscle soreness that occurs. The researchers also study concluded, those who suffer musculoskeletal pain non specific, continuously, to undergo screening for vitamin D deficiency.

2. Inhale the scent of Green apples

Research conducted the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, us, instructs participants — which at the same time being sick migraine--to sniff the smell test tubes that contain Green Apple. The results show, the condition of those who breathe in the scent of Green apples undergo improvements compared to those who did not breathe in the scent of Green apples. The researchers argue, given by the scent of Green apples this is able to compensate for muscle contraction that occurs in the head and neck, thus giving a sense of relief in the head. In previous research, the smell of Apple green can also be found against anxiety.

3. Meditate

Effectiveness of meditation in relieving pain without giving adverse effects have been revealed in recent research. Experts in the field is assumed, meditating for approximately for an hour to help ease the pain. Research also shows, meditation can also increase brain activity in areas such as the anterior cingulate cortex, the anterior insula, orbito-frontal cortex and. Three of these areas is part of the brain that serve to map out the different forms of pain that is received by the brain of neural signals to different parts of the body.

4. Balneotherapy

Balneotherapy is not something the foreigners because of the way this has been interpreted since ancient times. The term "balneo" comes from the latin word "balneum" bath. Balneotherapy is a type of hydrotherapy, where treatments carried out by means of mineral water or bathing use warm water. Mineral water, the use of magnesium sulphate or Epsom salts, capable of flexing its muscles. Both magnesium and sulfate are minerals that are easily absorbed by the skin and studies have shown that the quantity of magnesium in the body will increase after using water bath containing Epsom salts. In addition, balneotherapy can also increase blood circulation and relieve inflammation.

5. magnetic Therapy

Magnetic therapy is a method of minimal risk that uses magnetic fields for therapeutic purposes (treatment). These therapies can stimulate the healing process and affect the quality of sleep in a positive way. Researchers from the University of Virginia pointed out, the magnetic field strength is being able to help reduce swelling if applied immediately after the injury. The swelling is essentially caused by the dilation of blood vessels and magnets are believed to be able to restrict blood flow to the injured area.

6. Chromotherapy

Chromotherapy is a natural therapy that effectively relieve pain in another using the techniques of color. Those who believe and support the chromotherapy argues that the origins of various diseases or health conditions can be mapped by looking at the lack of a specific color in the human body. The way it works is by menyinarkan color to the body to help fight health imbalance, and the color blue is believed to be able to give the effect of the fresh, calming and relaxing, and can be used to relieve pain.

7. the breathing Techniques

Relaxation by means of draw a deep breath can help relieve headaches, back pain, joint pain, and pain that caused cancer. Breathing techniques can be used to ease the mind so pains can be reduced, this may happen with considering the relationship between mind and body. This technique is able to combine such elements, body awareness, movement, breathing and meditation in a single flow. A more encouraging, in addition to easy and can be done anywhere, this therapy does not cost a bit.

Way, breathe until count to four, please try to fill your lungs with air from the bottom to the top by pushing your stomach, then followed until it reaches the bottom of the rib to finally make sure the teluh your chest will be filled the air, hold for three seconds, then hembuskan. Breathing can distract You from the pain.

Some soreness will come and go, and some are likely not gone missing. If it happens (the pain never goes away), that means you need to get a treatment against pain. (M10-11)

healt and safety

Skin care treatments refreshing Spas & salons published by: Jacob William

By: Jacob William

| Tips for hair long care by: Wade Brewer. Aug 11 2011 - long hair appears to be important for people to make beautiful. Especially for young girls. Long hair is confidence in themselves and make them more attractive to men. Ladies... Tags: natural hair care, care, hair care products hair advice an overview of the Tummy Tuck procedure by: dennisrode | Aug 11 2011 - an abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck is a highly invasive procedure that flatten your abdomen by removing the excess fat and skin and strengthens muscles... Tags: tummy tuck Palms tampa, tummy tuck wesley chapel a good candidate for A Tummy Tuck procedure by: dennisrode | August 11, 2011 - people spend a lot of time and money in the gym memberships hoped that abs of their dreams.Tags: tummy tuck new tampa, tummy tuck tampa Fat Busters: liposuction and tummy tours by: dennisrode | August 11, 2011 - liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that works by removing acid deposition fatty difficult areas of the body, such as the abdomen, flanks and legs which seem to be I... Tags: Liposuction tummy tuck year Introduction To Breast increase By tampa tampa: dennisrode. 2011 11 Aug - when women are satisfied with their physical appearance, they are themselves in dignity.Tags: plastic surgeons tampa, tampa implants less known Reconstructive procedures for body chest parts by: dennisrode | 2011 11 Aug - when people think of plastic surgery, they think probably liposuction, face lifts and breast augmentation.Tags: Liposuction wesley Chapel, surgeon tampa best Clip in hair Extensions by: Kristy Klien. Aug 11 2011 - Theres no excuse not to consider your best anymore. With so many options and easy ways to experiment with new, fabulous styles, its impossible to watch not absolute... Tags: Clip on corrective hair extensions, aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgical procedures by: dennisrode | Aug 11 2011 - the widespread cosmetic surgery is that people get out them of pure vanity.Tags: Liposuction liposuction tampa, new tampa defying age with lifting by: dennisrode | August 11, 2011 - aging is an inevitable process in life.Tags: lifting tampa, wesley chapel Lifting seeks young with lifting by: dennisrode | August 11, 2011 - although people say the matter which it pays permanently attractive.Tags: eyelid surgery tampa, new tampa lifting

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Wife Of Enough Sleep, A Happy Marriage

your healty -Which comes first, a bad marriage relationships cause sleep disorders or sleep disorders cause the husband and wife relationship so bad? This is an important question that we need to reflect.

The happy marriage certainly makes us sleep all night. While a less happy marriage would increase the risk of sleep disorders. But on the contrary, sleep disorders also makes people more emotionally labile, irritable, and have less stress being tolerant of low threshold.

A study showed the relationship between sleep wedding. Prof. Wendy Troxel family and kolega-koleganya asked 2,000 married women. They asked about the status of marriage, sleep quality, how often suffer sleep disorders, and sleep-wake schedule.

Women live their marriage was happy, sleep more comfortably and wake up with a fresh sense of shape, they are also not easily awakened in the middle of the night. It is easy to understand. As was argued opinions, of course it's hard to sleep with a partner.

But the same group of researchers proved that the opposite can also happen. A recent study presented at the meeting of 2011, suggesting that SLEEP wives who experience sleep disorders may experience negative interactions in the morning.

They recruited 35 pairs for 10 nights sleeping with actyiraphy, a tool which records the activity of the body. Then they are asked to note the interaction with the partner.

As a result, women who suffer sleep disorders tend to feel the negative interaction of couples. My husband also reported a lack of positive interactions when the wife of sleeplessness.

Prof. Wendy Troxel family, is quoted saying, indeed all webMD gender differences in research. The guy seems to not have the effect of sleep disorders common among women. The woman, he thought, it is more expressive than men tend to suppress negative feelings. But the result of the woman's sleep disorders, infinite in its own right. Proven partner to feel the repercussions.

So for the men, if you want a happy marriage life, ensure healthy sleep partner.

Dr. Andreas Prasadja, RPSGT

Health Practitioners To Sleep, Sleep Disorder Clinic RS Mitra Kemayoran

healt and safety

The sweet benefits of Pare many people liked the pare because it feels bitter. When vegetables are easily found around us has a "sweet" benefits to the body because of the many nutrients including calcium, vitamin C, and iron.

Blessed to pare lovers or those who can compromise the bitter taste of the pare. Because, according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the bitter is regularly used to treat or prevent cancer, infections, and digestive problems.

The National Bitter Melon Council reported that the pare containing vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C; iron; vitamin A; calcium, in numbers that much.

As you well know, vitamin C is essential for the production of cartilage and immunity of the body. Iron is necessary for transporting oxygen throughout the body. And vitamin A contained in the pare, as beta-carotene, is very easily absorbed by the body and white to increase immune health vision as well. While calcium helps the body build muscle and bone.

Like most other vegetables, low in calories and fat pare. But the difference is in the amount of protein-containing pare. Still according to the National Bitter Melon Council, 3.5 grams of pare containing almost 6 grams of protein--the amount of this (protein) is much more in comparison with other vegetables such as spinach and carrots.

Other features are, pare also contain antioxidants--substances that are capable of countering malicious processes in the body or is usualy called oxidation. And if the level of oxidation in the body greatly improved will cause damage to DNA, so that the risk of cancer increases.

Presence of antioxidants in the pare evidenced by the existence of a study published in the "LWT-Food Science and Technology" Edition in March 2008, it was concluded that the pare wild found in Taiwan have antioxidants (polyphenols and flavonoids) with a high level.

However, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center advised to be cautious in consuming pare. Although healthy if eaten too much can lead to low sugar levels. And to extract supplement pare, pengasupan should be consulted beforehand with physicians to ensure their safety.  (M10-11)

healt and safety

Wrap A Plain Cigarette Smoke Taste Press

your healty -Stop the habit of smoking is indeed very hard to do, especially for those who are already addicted. However, recent studies have shown, there is a connection between the shape of the packaging of cigarettes with the tobacco consumption tastes.

Investigators found a cigarette packs, packed solid (no color), dull, and without brand, can help reduce tobacco consumption among smokers, especially young women who smoke.

These findings are obtained after Stirling University Institute scientists carry out a test questionnaire related posturing adults in Glasgow who are aged 18-35 years of plain cigarette packaging.

"Naturalistic Studies suggest that a plain cigarette pack plays an important role in helping to reduce the consumption of tobacco in some circles of young adult smokers, and women in particular," said researchers in the journal Tobacco Control.

"This study confirms the lack of attractiveness of plain packaging, to reduced cigarette consumption and enjoyment. We will examine it further to understand the impact of the shape of the packaging for smokers, "he added.

Meanwhile the Director of the Stirling Institute Gerard Hastings said, although the study was small in scope and do not produce significant statistics, but can demonstrate effectiveness in suppressing the use of tobacco.

"Plain Packaging of tobacco wrap makes smokers reduce their bad habits to continue smoking, it is more clearly seen in women than in men," he said.

healt and safety

7 How to Redakan Pain without drugs

your healty - Pain is a symptom that is often experienced by anyone. You do not need to panic because of the direct cause of the soreness may just not something harmful. Forms of pain can vary, can attack somewhere different and represent a variety of health problems.

Here are some ways meradakan and eliminate pain. In this way is an alternative that can be done when you do not want to consume drugs: pain reliever

1. Fulfill the need of vitamin D

Lack of vitamin D could be the cause of the occurrence of chronic muscle pain. Fish and sunshine in the morning is the largest source to get this vitamin. The average person need vitamin D 200 IU per day, however, for those aged 50 to 70 years the need for vitamin D increases to 400 IU per day. For those who have stepped on the age of over 70, needs to be 500 IU of vitamin D.

A study at the University of Minnesota found, 93 percent of the total respondents who experienced musculoskeletal pain non specific, vitamin D deficiency suffer.  The granting of a supplement of vitamin D to the sufferer unable to relieve muscle soreness that occurs. The researchers also study concluded, those who suffer musculoskeletal pain non specific, continuously, to undergo screening for vitamin D deficiency.

2. Inhale the scent of Green apples

Research conducted the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, us, instructs participants — which at the same time being sick migraine--to sniff the smell test tubes that contain Green Apple. The results show, the condition of those who breathe in the scent of Green apples undergo improvements compared to those who did not breathe in the scent of Green apples. The researchers argue, given by the scent of Green apples this is able to compensate for muscle contraction that occurs in the head and neck, thus giving a sense of relief in the head. In previous research, the smell of Apple green can also be found against anxiety.

3. Meditate

Effectiveness of meditation in relieving pain without giving adverse effects have been revealed in recent research. Experts in the field is assumed, meditating for approximately for an hour to help ease the pain. Research also shows, meditation can also increase brain activity in areas such as the anterior cingulate cortex, the anterior insula, orbito-frontal cortex and. Three of these areas is part of the brain that serve to map out the different forms of pain that is received by the brain of neural signals to different parts of the body.

4. Balneotherapy

Balneotherapy is not something the foreigners because of the way this has been interpreted since ancient times. The term "balneo" comes from the latin word "balneum" bath. Balneotherapy is a type of hydrotherapy, where treatments carried out by means of mineral water or bathing use warm water. Mineral water, the use of magnesium sulphate or Epsom salts, capable of flexing its muscles. Both magnesium and sulfate are minerals that are easily absorbed by the skin and studies have shown that the quantity of magnesium in the body will increase after using water bath containing Epsom salts. In addition, balneotherapy can also increase blood circulation and relieve inflammation.

5. magnetic Therapy

Magnetic therapy is a method of minimal risk that uses magnetic fields for therapeutic purposes (treatment). These therapies can stimulate the healing process and affect the quality of sleep in a positive way. Researchers from the University of Virginia pointed out, the magnetic field strength is being able to help reduce swelling if applied immediately after the injury. The swelling is essentially caused by the dilation of blood vessels and magnets are believed to be able to restrict blood flow to the injured area.

6. Chromotherapy

Chromotherapy is a natural therapy that effectively relieve pain in another using the techniques of color. Those who believe and support the chromotherapy argues that the origins of various diseases or health conditions can be mapped by looking at the lack of a specific color in the human body. The way it works is by menyinarkan color to the body to help fight health imbalance, and the color blue is believed to be able to give the effect of the fresh, calming and relaxing, and can be used to relieve pain.

7. the breathing Techniques

Relaxation by means of draw a deep breath can help relieve headaches, back pain, joint pain, and pain that caused cancer. Breathing techniques can be used to ease the mind so pains can be reduced, this may happen with considering the relationship between mind and body. This technique is able to combine such elements, body awareness, movement, breathing and meditation in a single flow. A more encouraging, in addition to easy and can be done anywhere, this therapy does not cost a bit.

Way, breathe until count to four, please try to fill your lungs with air from the bottom to the top by pushing your stomach, then followed until it reaches the bottom of the rib to finally make sure the teluh your chest will be filled the air, hold for three seconds, then hembuskan. Breathing can distract You from the pain.

Some soreness will come and go, and some are likely not gone missing. If it happens (the pain never goes away), that means you need to get a treatment against pain. (M10-11)

healt and safety

Monday, September 12, 2011

Yuk, Free Gear Check

your healty - Periodic visits to the dentist can prevent the disruption of the gums and the teeth are trivial to be complex. To increase public awareness will be routinely checked with dental, dental Dentist Union Indonesia (PDGI), Association of the Faculty of Dentistry (AFDOKGI) and PT.Unilever launched the National Dental Health month on Monday (12/9/2011) in Bandung, West Java.

Follow more than 2,000 children elementary school, National dental health month events (to a BKGD) opened with 14 signings Dean DENTISTRY as a form of commitment and their readiness to a BKGD in organizing that will take place in several cities over the past 14 FKG September through October 2011.

Drg. Queen Mirah Afifah, professional marketing manager of PT.Unilever said during to a BKGD community dental health can be checked them for free.

"To a BKGD gives the facility consists of a single tooth, teeth cleaning, patching is simple calculus, as well as preventive care with cavities or fissure sealant application of fluoride," he explained in a press conference to a BKGD at Padjajaran University Faculty of Dentistry.

Chairman PDGI drg.Zaura Anggraeni goddess explains, to a BKGD no implementation of dental and oral health conditions of society Indonesia which is still quite alarming.

"Out of 100 children only 11 children whose teeth caries-free, while in adults on average 5 teeth perforated," he said.

Added by Queen Mirah, activities to a BKGD held back this year because there are significant improvements to see members of the public who visit DENTISTRY.

"Last year there were 20,000 people participating, this year the target is even higher," he said. Added by Zaura, events to a BKGD is expected to make a creepy imagery dentist is reduced.

"To invite the children to the dentist to check your teeth without waiting for any dental pain hopefully they are not afraid anymore," he said. The public perception about the dentist is expensive, too, can be eliminated if people saw his teeth when the damage was light.

"The cost of treatment to be expensive due to his complex akoibat tooth decay is severe," said Prof. Eky s. Soemantri Soeria, Chairman of the AFDOKGI.

healt and safety

Best Present For Our Beloved Father.

your healthy - I love my parents so much. Some years ago my mother died caused by diabetes. And now my father is living alone at home. I work in another town with my wife family. Also with my brother and sister, they were living with their couple and stay in their each house. So my father is living alone at home now. My father is a mobile man. He can not quiet. So he must have an activity, although he is very old. I and my brother always thinks about it. How if something happen with him ? while I live far in another town and also with my brother and sister, they are very busy with their business. I can not calm, I am always thinks how if my father fall down, and need an emergency help while he is alone at home. Finally someone tell me about Medical Alarm.

Medical alarm is very help once, especially when does my father fallen down insides house and there is nobody around there know it. With wear this tool, when he fallen down, this tool can detect it and can report it. And the most practical of it, He never need to push any button. Now I and brother can take time, cause when does my father fallen down I can detect it , and can help him immediately .

I also give him another Medical Alarm that very useful. That is a bracelet that functioned to detect my father place presents. So while he go anywhere, I can detect the place. This tool can use also for call like a cell phones and can inform if something happen. Now I am not afraid about my father, wherever he goes and whatever he doing, we can be attention him.

health and safety

First Aid Tips.

your healthy  sometimes often we are confronted with circumstances kegawatan or emergency without our request. The attitude of what or how the attitude we should have when dealing with such circumstances. There are a few important tip.

1. CHECK first or preview
A Way of breath .: (starting from nose to mouth)
Make sure that the path of breath is not hindered by the tongue, mucus or foreign objects.
B Respiratory .:
Check the respiratory tract (still breathe or not) when you need to perform artificial respiration.
Circulation c.: (blood flow)
Check the pulse (which we handle them artery-the regions the wrist a bit ketepi at ibujari or in the neck somewhat kepinggir), when the pulse is palpated do lung heart resuscitation (artificial mouth breather assisted with heart massage).

2. the need to act fast, because every second is precious.

3. do not lift or move the patient with a wound in the neck or spine except kalu very forced.

4. ask someone to call an ambulance or doctor while you are doing first aid.

5. don't pull shirts sufferers who suffered burns.

6. Be calm and tenangkan sufferers.

7. don't paksakan give drink to the sufferer unaware of his menurunatau.

8. don't wake the sufferers of the unconscious by means of menggoncang-goncangkannya.

health and safety

Why Pregnant Women Are Often Difficult Bowel Movements?

your healthy Many moms of pregnant are complaining hard bowel/Constipation. Is this normal? or has something to do with her pregnancy. Though usually smooth-smoother aja. Want to drink medicine concerned with the condition of the fetus is fed inside.

Indeed on the pregnant women most disruptions would occur on pencernaannya that hard bowel movements or constipation, it is not to worry about, to worry about is when drinking any drugs that have the potential to interfere with the development of the fetus mainly at the age of between 1-3 months in which at this stage occurs the formation of the organs. In pregnant women particularly constipation occurs because at the time of pregnancy occurring hormone progesterone and increased levels of these hormones causes the relaxation of the muscles (the muscles loosened up) so that the gut so not good work. Later in the pregnancy reaches the age of 6-9 months when the mother's stomach is already added wax problem constipation is so more frequently because the uterus will dilate as much in the abdominal area. But from everything it needs to be underlined is the issue rarely cause major problems for both the mother and the fetus is fed inside. There are a few tips to help lighten the light of these problems.

Some of them are with drink enough water between 6-8 glasses a day. Then also to reproduce high-fibrous food consumption of fruit and vegetables, for example. For the most excellent fruit papaya fruit is because it had a role as a natural laxative. Need to light sports also regularly like jogging to improve digestion. If there are still problems should consult with your doctor.

Health Journal.

health and safety

Why Ears Of & Head Pain When Riding An Airplane.

tyWhen we were about to travel using an airplane, would have imagined what it's like when you've beenin space. Well, what if while riding an airplane we even feel uncomfortable because the ear and head of us feels sick once even it was such a headgoing broke?If this condition is normal? This State is called an occlusion Tuba or blockage in the tuba in the ear. Tuba eustachius / Eusthacian tube is the channel that starts from middle ear and ends at the rear of the nose or throat, base of the regions. It serves to balance the air pressure in the middle ear and the air pressure outside. If there is a difference of pressure then it will open up and let the air into the middle ear so that the pressure to be balanced.When the pressure difference can occur? If we want to board a plane, at the time the plane was about to take off or landing or when the aircraft up and down in the air, our ears will feel like a full or a dead end or a little less heard, caused due to pressure difference like this. Usually we will immediately respond with swallowed so that hearing we become normal again. With swallowed this will lead to the tuba and the outside air can enter ketelinga.In some people with disorders of the Tuba eustachius or in people who mention the flu/colds will be difficult to balance the pressure (at the time of the aircraft in the air) so that air cannot enter the middle ear and middle ear result in a vacuum, in circumstances like this that will respond to channel the tuba with in and out of the middle ear and surrounding tissue in order to attract a bit of pressure balanced, and this response that causes tremendous pain as head would burst. Howsolution?In particular with the disruption on the orang2 channel tuba or the flu, when mention was about to board a plane should wear a nose drops drugs serve to open the channels of the tuba, moments before departing (or it could be with oral decongestants drugs/drink), how teteskan the nose right and left, having shed the head should be tilted in the same direction for approximately 5 minutes, so the right nose ditetesi, then the head tilts to the right so that the liquid into the ear. If the above aircraft more than 8 hours, could be repeated in this way and carried in the aircraft.In order for the tuba open continuously, perbanyaklah swallow, one simple way is by chewing on candy, because by chewing on a candy it will come out saliva and inevitably we'd swallowed last. Therefore before the plane take off for sure flight attendantscandy will share, sweets are distributed by the flight attendants are considered part of the service and immediately it was spent before the plane take off, whereas ideally candy last dikulum calmly during the trip that we swallowed over time.The other way i.e. with yawns, because when we yawn then air will come out of the ear, so the pressure would remain awake.Special on air or unnecessary baby ears covered with cotton (much in the way it nasehatkan by parents) but enough to drink that much at the time of the aircraft in the air, because with swallowing, tuba will be open continuously. Close the ears with cotton ineffective to resolve an occlusion tuba at a child, this way is only useful for reducing aircraft noise. So when you bring small children boarded and his son began to fret should drink water or milk, because there is a possibility of him having an occlusion and safety

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chronic cancer - some important Causes of it published by: Anna Mathew

In these days, we live in a high-tech profile. But despite this people maximum know about chronic disease. This is certainly an incredible case. The disease is generally long and slow progression. There are thousands of problems of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, respiratory problems, diabetes etc. In very recent times, it is one of the leading causes of death. Not only that each year a fraction of people die for this reason.

Usually the disease and health status can be characterized under the general rubric of chronic disease. Most of is characterized by the victim composed large latency periods, injury functional or disability.

Fundamentally the diseases do not solve impulsively. It is a potentially fatal disease. And generally do not heal completely. Most of this persists in an individual through life, but is not always the reason for death.

Now allows for chronic cancer referred to. Each year, there is a percentage of people die from this disease. Expert says that cancer is an increase in the growth of abnormal cells. the abnormal cells begin to grow out of control. Cancer cells continue to grow and multiple unlike that of normal cells that divide and die on somewhat of a normal schedule.

There are some causes of cancer. These are:

.Gap: Is a true report, the American Cancer Society a predictable only about a third of cancer deaths each year in the United States are connected to the deficient diets with vitamins and minerals.

.Immune dysfunction: after that, when the immune system works efficiently inflammation spreads. Speaking inflammation is really the cause of cancer and chronic disease.

.Injuries: Most of the people is attracted by this disease if it is not properly treated. They may develop on the diseases of muscles and bines them.

.Contamination: Exposure to pathogens of drug can leave you open to diseases such as cancer and other chronic diseases.

.Genetics and age: genes that control the disease may be impaired that you age especially if your lifestyle includes a poor diet and exercise.

.Toxins and free radicals: all more than 85% of debilitating diseases are associated with toxic substances.

.Abnormal metabolism: on the other hand an abnormal metabolism functions affects hormonal level, digestion, sugar in the blood, energy, blood pressure, premature aging and many others '.

.Chronic Stress: Chronic Stress has been connected to an increased risk of cancer, poor immunity, heart disease, weight gain, metallic decline and many others.

The management of chronic cancer discovered some treatments herbal cancer. They are sometimes called the four pillars. When you are dealing with an issue such as cancer, these four elements are extremely important.

1 Diet

2 Exercise

3 Emotions

4. The supplements of

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tips and ideas for flower gardening posted by: a1flowers


This type of 35 perennials of the Marguerite I family (Asteraceae) is native to North America. He made a bold splash of colour in the summer and could not be easier to cultivate. Develop onions or modified flattened roots, plants form clumps of foliage with simple linear to lanceolate leaves, which are sometimes finely hairy. High emerging stems of the tuft, develop their many Summit points of long Callistemon, quite UN-flowers, filamentous rose-purple flowers. Bees and butterflies are attracted by the fluffy flower spikes. In addition to be adapted for borders, Liatris plant are ideal as cut flowers. Native Americans used medicinal roots, and early settlers found that the dried roots were effective to repel moths. Common names include the blazing and gayfeather.


Most are very resistant to frost. Wild plants are usually found along water courses; cultivated plants are easily grown in any position sunny with wet, humus-rich, well drained soil. Locate on the back of borders to cover up the clump of foliage and make the use of the height of the floral stem. Propagate by division or seeds.
Below:-is shorter than the species, Liatris spicata 'floristan"of the strain in 2 flowers colorspurple"floristan violett"and"floristan weiss"white flowers.


Some popular species in this genus in family temperate Eurasian daisy have been reclassified, including giving the genus its common name from the Leopard plant, there are still some 180 - odd species of perennial in Ligulaire. These are vigorous plants that grow rapidly in spring in clumps of large, broad leaves, usually heart-shape kidney, with jagged edges. In the summer and fall, erect flowering stems appear and can reach a height, depending on the species. The stems bear yellow flowers, flowers, catchy, gold for about half their length. Plants have long been used in cough herbal remedies, and today the root extracts are studied for their properties of fight against cancer.


Ligulaire species are mainly very resistant and easily grown in time full or half Sun. The soil must be fertile, humus-rich and deep. In addition, it should remain wet throughout the year. Cut when the flowers and foliage fade. Propagate by division when dormant or raise seeds.

Left:-Tall spires of yellow flowers appear on stems purple over the large, up to 12 in (30 cm in) broad, dark green leaves of Ligulaire przewalskii.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

the benefits of tomatoes

Do you know about the benefits of tomatoes? ...., A glimpse of what we know is this fruit is often made to blend in cooking or to make sauce, but in fact many properties and benefits contained in the tomatoes you want to know what the phrase refer to the following about tomatoes:

Way, who has cooked tomatoes cut into pieces and then rubbed gently on the face with acne. Every day he diligently perform maintenance in such manner. A month later, he admitted, his face was free from acne. why would that be, because the content of tomatine in tomato efficacious anti-inflammatory. Tomatoes also contain carotene and vitamin C are efficacious as an antioxidant. While sitratnya acid also remove the dirt and grease on your face and your acne should also avoid acne

Dr. John Cook Bennett, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Willoughby University in Ohio say that: Tomatoes can treat diarrhea, gall attack, dyspepsia (indigestion), and prevent cholera. Even more devastating to drink tomato juice was able to restore liver function.

Yumi Tohuoka scientists through the research shows support for Bennett. In TheTohoku report published by the Journal of Experimental Medicine, Tohoku University in Japan, Tohuoka states, the tomato juice buy online amoxicillin clinically effective lever to balance disorders. tomato in France called pomme amour aka love apple, tomato capable of restoring impotence
When we often consume the tomato Tomatoes also can prevent cancer and many other benefits contained in tomatoes

and visi to: the benefits of honey

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An estimated amount of Breast Augmentation Surgery posted by: Gerald Dlubala

By: Gerald Dlubala

| Job of Assistant physician employment? Here "??s helps by: Jerry Portman |" August 11, 2011 - currently, there are many jobs available for medical assistants, but the only problem is ensuring that you are qualified for this work. Im going to tell you about the different methods that you can use to help you land the position you want. The first is... Tags: Assistant doctor here "??s what you need to know on Physician Assistants before you become a by: Jerry Portman |" August 11, 2011 - even though you are probably very concentrated on becoming a physician assistant, there are some things about this health profession you should certainly know. There are a lot of different things that are said about the doctor attended... Tags: Assistant doctor here "??s how you can pass your online Physician Assistant class with honours by: Jerry Portman |" Aug 11 2011 - become very often that people is entering their school of physician assistant via online and Im planning on you informing on how you can pass your online PA with great skills program. The first thing you need to do is make sure that you exerci... Tags: Assistant to doctor here are a few methods for Physician Assistant job want you by: Jerry Portman. 2011 11 Aug - in the economy that we here in 2011, it is clear that there are many jobs that are available for men and women who are or a physician assistant and nurse practitioners. The point and that is the most important thing is that we all kn... Tags: Assistant to doctor Colon Cleanse for weight loss by: Tracy p Berry. August 11, 2011 - you can lose weight naturally with a colon cleanse. This is because some of the concepts of work and some are proven scientifically. Here are a few ways that you can use a colon clean to help you lose weight and feel your best.Tags: colon cleanse, colon cleansing, body detoxification, detoxification,... Common exercises done through physiotherapy Acl by: Clement Farley. Aug 11 2011 - Your ACL or the anterior cruciate ligament is one of the most important ligaments located in your knee because it contributes to the stability and the movement of the joint. This ligament attaches to the bone of the tibia to the shin bone. If your ACL is torn or injured, y... Tags: ACL physiotherapy what to expect during an Acl physiotherapy by: Clement Farley. Aug 11 2011 - an ACL physiotherapy is necessary if you have injured or torn apart by your knee because making some active or sporting activities. If you are an athlete or simply a passion for sport, you may have heard the ACL injury. This usually particular knee injury h... Tags: ACL physiotherapy Yeast Infection treatment approaches and which is best for you by: Marcus Wilson. Aug 11 2011 - how a specific yeast infection should be treated depends on many contingencies which may have an effect on the best treatment to follow. Your doctor may know better treatment that you are not familiar with that might be more appropriate because one of... Tags: yeast infection, auto diagnosis, treatment of yeast infection yeast infection increase Vertical Leap: synaptic Facilitation training to increase Vertical leap by: Jacob w. Hiller. August 11, 2011 - synaptic facilitation is unforgiving for those who are just getting started with the formation of vertical jump or to persons who make a lot of strength gains, but did not see much progress in their vertical jump.Tags: increase the vertical jump, how to jump high, vertical jump training Draper dental emergency by: Evan Crumbly. Aug 11 2011 - Draper dental emergency. A dentist of emergency is often not a fixed schedule, you need to call the emergency dental care services. TeethTags: Dental, emergency care, dentist, health

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 Ways to Lose Weight Without Hunger

he phrase "Eat fewer calories than you burn" has become a mantra for weight loss. The problem is, cutting back on food and exercise more will certainly make people hungry, which could not provide a positive change in the long run. In this article I offer a practical solution by describing some ways that can position the body in a state of "lack of calories" and help you lose weight without feeling hungry.

Forget Calories
The principle of calories is true, but he did not pay attention to the fact that the types of calories are burned differently in the body. Often just the way fats are considered a low calorie diet, there is evidence that when calorie intakes are the same, individuals who consumed the most fat actually lose more weight. Moreover, the effect of food on taste will determine the weight and eating abilities. The key to losing weight in the long run is not to concentrate on the amount you eat but the quality of its food.

Eat Foods Rich in Protein
Calorie for calorie, protein is known to satisfy the appetite more than carbohydrate or fat. Foods rich in protein are usually able to satisfy your appetite, therefore, very well to emphasize the importance of consuming protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and grains in your diet.

Eat foods with a glycemic index (GI) Low
GI is a measure of the speed and the amount by which the food releases sugar into the bloodstream. The higher the number of GIs in the diet, the lower the satisfaction gained. Of the 20 studies published between 1977 and 1999, 16 research suggests that low-GI foods can provide the satisfaction derived from eating and reduce hunger afterwards. In addition to other protein-rich foods potato which also has a very low GIs, are beans, lentils, and most fruits and vegetables.

Eat Breakfast
Breakfast for most people can help prevent overeating during the day. This phenomenon was studied formally in research published in the Journal of Nutrition. This study shows that people who consume more food at night, on average, consuming more calories than people who eat large portions for breakfast. So in order to have a natural appetite, make sure you do not forget breakfast.

Eat a little, not too much
When we are hungry, it is difficult for us to control what we eat and how much. Eating between meals and eat a little nuts or fruit in the afternoon / evening can make us eat healthier during the hours of eating. In addition, eating regularly is also associated with lower levels of insulin (a hormone that can cause weight gain in the body by stimulating the production of fat).

Do not Buy
One way is a good diet with proper food selection patterns, because unhealthy food is too easy to get, and hard not to eat it. A fairly easy way to achieve this is to make sure not to shop at the supermarket when hungry. So eat before shopping.

Limit Alcohol Consumption
One way to reduce unwanted calories consumed are drinking less alcohol. Some desire to drink alcohol because of the perception generated by the alcohol taste and relaxation effect. But that is not widely known is that drinking can also be caused by thirst and hunger. Maintaining hydration and do not go to a bar or restaurant very hungry can suppress alcohol intake.

Use Small Plates
Eating will be difficult enough if we eat using a large plate, eating with the use of large plates can be a tendency to serve and eat more than necessary. Therefore eating by using smaller plates and bowls can help limit excessive eating.

Chew Your Food
Eating more slowly can help ensure that the amount of food absorbed by the body and can reduce the risk of eating too much. Ideally, food should be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. It could also help us not to touch the food scraps and cutlery again until the food actually eaten whole.

Find Your Ideal Diet
Psychological research shows that everyone has a level of agility in different metabolism of certain foods. For example, some people have very good metabolism of fat, while in some others have a prima metabolism of carbohydrates. Maintaining a healthy weight is to adjust to the conditions of the body. For more information, see

(Dr. John Briffa / The Epoch Times / rob)