Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ADHD Natural Treatment

ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a behavioral disorder associated with the development of the child is marked with hyperactivities, impulsivities, lack of ability to concentrate on one specific task, always restless and could not sit still. Concentration disturbances accompanied this motor hyperactivity symptoms infect 3% - 5% of children between 4 - 14 years old.

It hasn’t been found yet about any biological cause of ADHD. But most of the research leading to gene derived from the parents as the primary contributor of the occurrence of ADHD. For example, research clearly proves that arise in families with ADHD, 76% of children with ADHD have a family member with the same conditions.

Born prematurely, mothers smoked during pregnancy or extreme stress during pregnancy, exposure to alcohol during the pregnancy, and traumatic brain injury can also contribute to the development of ADHD.

Eliminate the consumption of preservatives and food coloring of hyperactive children should be considered as standard treatment, stated by an editorial in a medical journal the British Medical Journal.

Although evidence indicates a substantial link of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or hyperactivity disorders in the form of lack of attention, with food coloring and food preservatives, eliminating the consumption of these substances still considered as an alternative, more than a standard treatment for ADHD, written by Andrew Kemp from the University of Sydney.

Instead, behind the lack of evidence for their effectiveness, the use of alternative medicine has spread - more than 50 percent of children attending children's hospital in the UK and Australia have been used it in recent years.

Data published in 2007 showed that normal children (not hyperactive) are significantly more hyperactive after eating a mixture of food coloring and preservatives (sodium benzoate), with real implications for children with ADHD.

Clarify these finding; the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has observed evidence linking preservatives and dyes to hyperactivity of the 22 studies between 1975 and 1994 and two additional meta-analysis.

Sixteen of these studies reported provide positive effects on at least some children. However, EFSA has shown that hyperactivity has social causes and broad biological, and focuses exclusively on food substances can be addictive "reduce the availability of a complete treatment" for children with the behavioral disorders. But Kemp argues, to withhold evidence from the addition of dietary factors can also do this.

There is increasing in the number of children who take medication hyperactivity - 2.4% of the children in the state of Australia. Keeping dyes and preservatives as an alternative intervention that is not harmful, making a trial period to eliminate these substances should be considered as a standard treatment, according to Kemp concluded.

This study shows that alternative medicine has been known for many years. Preservatives and additives in food have damaging effects on human well manifested in the form of ADHD, cancer, disorders neurologist, stomach disorders and other chronic diseases.

The treatments of hyperactivity are varied, ranging from the use of modern medicine to traditional therapy. To avoid the negative effects of drugs, other therapies could be an alternative. The effectiveness of each treatment varies.

Color cooling brain

Just as a companion, this therapy suggests that hyperactive children exposed to the "cool" colors or a bit dark. The effect will soothe his brain.

The colors can be placed in the room, the color of the walls, doors, furniture, clothes, lamps, etc. The color can be green, light blue, purple, or dark blue. Avoid bright colors and "hot", such as red, yellow, orange because it stimulates the brain to move.

Diet modification

This diet is based on research Ben Feingold, an allergist, in 1960. Fifty percent of children with ADHD who handled "better" after a diet without food allergy triggers. They are foods which contain natural salicylates, such as oranges, apples, apricots, berries, grapes, and also foods that contain artificial additives such as preservatives, sweeteners, colorings, flavorings (MSG, monosodium glutamate). Clearly, this diet requires dietary changes in children and families. So, need special attention from the mother in cooking and serving food.

After a strict diet for some time, suspected food allergy triggers can be given back one by one into the menu. If a modification to the child's behavior, such as a hyperactive again, the food was no longer given.

According to Gerard Olarsch, ND, hyperactivity can also because of certain mineral deficiencies. Symptoms, children have excessive desire to eat sweet or salty foods. Mineral substances that allegedly associated with ADHD, among others DMG (dimetilglisin), enzymes, fatty acids, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Therefore, the provision of vitamin and mineral supplements would help the progress of the child.

Sports take much energy

Hyperactive children store excess energy. It is better to distribute their energy, encourage them to exercise or have outdoor picnic, such as zoos, playgrounds. There he would be free to play, climb, and run as they pleased. Essentially, do a fun activity itself. Be careful to take them for shopping, because if they left alone, they would go wherever they likes.

If playing at home, take it to a game that requires concentration, such as arrange puzzles, gardening, or keep animals. Involve children in many after school activities, such as learning music, swimming, tennis, karate, etc. of course, without forgetting the talent and physical ability.

Restore "stolen" energy

Traditional Chinese medicines are the oldest in the world and still survive until today. The principle is based on the harmonization of the body with nature and the flow of vital energy (qi / chi) throughout the body.

There are two things the cause of ADD, that genetic factors and liver function disturbances. If the result of liver dysfunction, heart organ is physically well, it is only the relationship "energy" with other organs that are not balanced. Because the liver energy is very strong, it "stole" the additional energy from the lungs and kidneys. Both organs were too weak to make the heart work remains under control.

Contemporary lifestyle with high stress levels makes ADHD difficult to be controlled. Diet children need attention, especially the source of energy. Some foods can bring the energy that triggers the liver away from equilibrium.

Avoid junk food eating, not solely for health reasons, but because it increases "hot" food in the liver. Fried, spices, and grilled foods also give a similar effect. Therefore, children should eat a lot of green vegetables, because it can help cool / reduce "heat" in the heart. Also drink the juice (juice) watermelon and, whenever possible, avoid eating meat.

Avoid situations / events that stimulate the children, also will help. Electric field generated from the computer game, not good for children with ADHD.

Encourage the child to calm activities, like swimming, tai chi, yoga, and meditation. Acupuncture, acupressure, and herbs can provide a relief effect. If the child is given medication, notice the abdomen (stomach). Many children with ADHD loss of appetite or weight increased at a later date, due to energy gastric function is not balanced.

This therapy has been growing since the 18th century. It is a treatment system for balancing the physical, mental, emotional as well. Homeopathic practitioners prescribe specific to each person with different symptoms. The medicine was a mixture of materials from animals, plants, and minerals form a concentrated solution. So, one drug is not the same for every person, even though the diagnosis is the same. Because of the special formulated for each patient, according to naturopathic physicians Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW and Robert Ullman, ND, a drug for symptoms of ADD / ADHD also can cure other symptoms, such as ear infections and headaches.

Fix line hearing

Most children with ADHD also have a hearing problem. Could hear, but have trouble understanding what he was hearing, because the ear and brain do not work efficiently in processing the sound. There was trouble choosing the sound of many existing sound source. Also difficulty hearing focused on a particular sound. For example, when they should hear the voice of teacher, they are even interested in the sound of car horns outside the classroom. As a result, it is difficult to concentrate on one thing for a while. Children become distracted by all the noise around him.

Sound therapy to restore the capacity of hearing / receiving voice, so that children can learn to focus and capture the desired sound directly into the brain's language center.

Sound perception problems caused by the "closure" for several frequency hearing voices. Ear muscles become "lazy" and not responsive. Therefore, there should be stimulated and trained to reach the normal capacity to improve hearing and hearing organize transmission in the brain. This process will reduce stress and nervous tension. Children will be able to follow where the desired sound.

In sound therapy, the child must listen to the special cassettes (music) every day for 30 - 60 minutes. If the child is difficult to sit still, the tape can be played as a child to sleep. Effective results are generally seen after 100 hours pasca-therapy. Physical activity will decrease while the power was increased concentration.

Biofeedback which is relatively new.

Although biofeedback is known since 25 years ago, its application in hyperactive children is relatively new. Essentially, children with ADHD produce excessive theta waves but do not produce enough beta waves. Theta waves associated with dreaming or dreaming in the middle of the day, while the beta waves associated with concentration. Biofeedback make children reduce theta wave production and produce a lot of beta waves, so the ability to increase focus and concentration. According to research Steven W. Lee of the University of Kansas, biofeedback can reduce the symptoms associated with hyperactivity.

Through a video screen that displays a variety of challenges, such as video games, biofeedback attractive to children. There are bright colors, music that gives immediate feedback. There are also prizes to be given if the child can finish it well.

In one version of the therapy, for children to produce beta waves, bright colors on the wheel increases coupled with increased tone music. Another version, the video screen children must maintain aircraft that do not cross certain lines (when producing beta waves), so that the red light remains lit. For this therapy, generally the child will live 30 to 50 meeting, by one or two weeks. Each meeting lasted one hour.

Like a leaky bucket, attention and affection for children with ADHD should be given continuously.

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