Thursday, April 28, 2011


Some people want to save their hair when it comes to getting rid of dreads.  I really did not think this was possible until I did some research. If you have a little time and patience you can convert back to having 'loose' hair again without having to shave it all off.

Tools you will need:
- Scissors
- A very good conditioner
- A very sturdy/tough comb 
- ((Patience))- Not sure if you can purchase that :-)

Steps: (Keeping it very basic)

- Wash and condition dreads- If you have time, let conditioner sit for a while

- Rinse whole head at the highest temperture your can stand- especially for the  people that used wax in their hair

- With wet hair (you can also do it dry), tuck away all the dreads except for the one you're about to work on- Starting at the nape of your neck is probably the best place to start

- Cut the very tip of dread off with scissors

- Start at the end and comb out continuing all the way up until you reach the root of your hair- Each dread may take anywhere between 5-15 mins

- Once all of the dreads are taken aloose, wash and conditon your hair again.-  Keep combing hair while conditioner is applied. You will lose a lot of hair in the process because your hair has not been combed in a while.

I will recommend getting treatments and a trim right off the bat. It may take a few weeks for you to get your hair back to 'normal'.

If anyone would like to post questions, additonal tips or comments please feel free.

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