Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Benefits of Herbal Remedies to Treat Disease

Drugs for Kidney Pain
Take olive oil approximately 15 tablespoons of it, 2 tablespoons of water of fermented rice, 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus oil and the yolks of two eggs, mix them and stir well. Drink every day for ten days, surely you diabetes will be cured.

Drugs to Cure Sore Throat
Take 15 grams of the Creat, 25 grams of turmeric, 2 pieces of morinda which has been ripe, then boil all the ingredients in water up to 600 cc until 200 cc left, strain, add honey and lemon juice for a good taste, drink while it’s still warm once a day.

Aloe Vera Benefits
Take some aloe stems (aloe vera), wash them clean. Then take the inner part of it to be attached on the body part which is splashed by hot water.

Drugs for Chilblain
Put eucalyptus oil or oil wasps. For herb drink: one finger of ginger cut into pieces, give a little brown sugar, and salt with 1 cup of boiled water. Strain and drink when it's cold 3 times a day 1 / 4 cup.

Red Onion and Honey to Releive Cough
If you have cough which is difficult to be cured, the following is a traditional way to eliminate the cough of your throat. Take one onion and then mixed with one tablespoon of honey, mix it well and drink three times a day. Undoubtedly your cough will disappear from your throat.

Heal the Sick Waist
Back pain is so excruciating, to overcome this you can perform the following manner. Take 10 avocado leaves which are not too old and boil it by using 2 cups of water. Boil until water lef about ½ cup, and then becomes cold. Drink the water and do it on a regular basis, then your back pain will be recovered completely.

Removing the Thorn from the Skin
If you are pierced with thorns, and it left in the skin, do not you try to remove with a needle or pin because it can cause infection. Take an onion, cut into two parts. Apply red onion with coconut oil, then grilled until charred. Paste it onto the skin, and the thorn will come out slowly.

Treating Poisonous Animal Bites
If you are bitten by poisonous animals, like millipedes, scorpions and other do not need to worry, overcome it with the following simple way. Catch a chicken, take its saliva. Rub the chicken saliva onto the bitten part evenly and comprehensively. If you do this as soon as you are bitten, the swelling and pain will soon disappear.

Remove Tonsils by Natural Way
Take cloves 1 onion, peel skin, and then rinse with clean water. Chew the red onion until soft, then swallow it, do routinely 3 to 4 times a day, surely your tonsils will shrink and then disappear.

Drugs for Burn
Take a few leaves of fresh betel leaves, squeeze the water and then add a little honey. Put onto the part of body which was burned, this way you will burn quickly healed.

Drugs for High Blood Pressure
Take 7 leaves of Syzygium Polyanthum or salam leaves which are still green and fresh, wash and boil with 3 cups of water. Let it is boiled and wait until left only 1 cup of water, drink regularly 2 cups of it per day, your high blood pressure will be soon recovered.

Treating Low Blood Pressure
Take one cup of boiled new chicken broth, an egg yolk and a little salt. Drink this potion once a day in consecutive week, then the sluggish due to low blood pressure will disappear from your body.

Treating High Blood Pressure
Morinda fruit or called pace can actually be used to treat high blood pressure. Here's the way: Take a few morinda enough, mash up out the water, the water is filtered and drink. This should be done regularly during the morning after waking up before you eat anything. Your high blood pressure will be cured.

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