Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tips to Overcome Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a disease that occurs in the anus where the anus has swollen edge and sometimes accompanied by bleeding. Hemorrhoid disease does not only give pain to the sufferer, but also provide a sense of inferior and ashamed of hemorrhoid disease.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in the blood is there is blood which come out of the anus when defecate. If you are in severe condition there something that sticks out and it continues to grow for a tennis ball, thus the hemorrhoid must be removed trough operation.

There are two kinds of hemorrhoids or piles, namely internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. If it is internal hemorrhoids, there are blood vessels in the anus covered with moist mucous membranes. If it is not treated well, it can be seen protruding appears as external hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the muscles that are generally associated with the skin. These hemorrhoids are usually visible bluish swollen bumps on the edge of the anus which feels pain and itching.

The hemorrhoid sufferers are generally difficult to sit and defecate due to their pain when the edge of anus or sphinchter of anus gets pressure. Severe hemorrhoid sufferers are sometimes difficult to be treated, so that action should be a surgical removal of hemorrhoids, which can give side effects which are sometimes not good. Therefore, hemorrhoids need to be looked out for and handled properly so it can be easily treated.

Hemorrhoids can be caused by the following things below that should be watched out for and avoided:
1. Too much sitting
2. Chronic diarrhea
3. Pregnancy due to hormonal changes
4. Descendants of hemorrhoid sufferers
5. Sex is not common
6. Constipation
7. The emphasis of return venous blood flow, etc.

To eliminate hemorrhoids completely should you run some tips to cure hemorrhoids and consult with your doctor.

Run a healthy lifestyle
Regular exercise. Sports selected should give lighter burden on the stomach and rectum, such as swimming. Types of sports like volleyball, basketball, especially weightlifting should be avoided.
Fibrous foods which good for excrement (faeces), such as: fruits and vegetables.
Avoid too much sitting or hanging out in the loo / toilet
Do not smoke, drink alcohol, drugs, etc. so that the dirt is not hard.
While working, after sitting 3 - 4 hours you should rest up while walking.
Do not make sexual activity which is not reasonable
Drink a sufficient amount, at least 1.5 liters a day.
Do not get hold urinating and do not force yourself too much to defecate.
Do not like rubbing and scratching anal excessively
Do not push excessively while defecating
Try a warm bath to reduce pain and maintain the cleanliness of the anus for about 15 minutes, at least 2-3 times a day.
Use the antihemoroid medicine recommended by physician

Hopefully, with this kind of life pattern, selected hemorrhoid treatment can give good results for ever.

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