Disease will never be cured or eradicated by only the present materialistic methods, for the simple reason that disease in its origin is not material. What we know as disease is an ultimate result produced in the body, the end product of deep and longacting forces. Even if material treatment alone is apparently successful, it is a temporary relief unless the real cause has been removed.
Misinterpreting the true nature of disease and perceiving it in materialistic terms in the physical body is not healing. It distracts your thoughts from your true origin and hence from the effective method of treatment and, secondly, localising treatment to the body obscures true hope of recovery and raises a mighty disease complex of fear, which never should have existed.
Disease is in essence the result of conflict between Soul and Mind, and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort. Such efforts can cure and prevent disease by removing those basic factors which are its primary cause. No effort directed to the body alone can do more than superficially repair damage, and in this there is no cure, since the cause is still operative and may at any moment again demonstrate its presence in another form.
In many cases, apparent recovery is harmful, since it hides from the patient the true cause of his trouble, and in the satisfaction of apparently renewed health the real factor, being unnoticed, may gain in strength. The patient who knows, or who is by some wise physician instructed in, the nature of the adverse spiritual or mental forces at work, if that patient directly attempts to neutralise those forces, health improves as soon as this is successfully begun, and when it is completed the disease will disappear. This is true healing.
Five hundred years before Christ, some physicians of ancient India, working under the influence of Lord Buddha, advanced the art of healing to so perfect a state that they were able to abolish surgery, although the surgery of their time was possibly as efficient, or more so, than that of the present day. Such men as Hippocrates with his mighty ideals of healing, Paracelsus with his certainty of the divinity in man, and Hahnemann who realised that disease originated in a plane above the physical —all these knew much of the real nature and remedy of suffering.
What untold misery would have been spared during the last 20 centuries had the teaching of these great masters of their art been followed! But, as in other things, materialism has appealed too strongly to the western world, and for so long a time, that the voices of the practical obstructors have risen above the advice of those who knew the truth.
Disease, though apparently so cruel, is in itself beneficent and for our good and, if rightly interpreted, it will guide us to our essential faults. If properly treated, it will be the cause of the removal of those faults and leave us better and greater than before. Suffering is a corrective to point out a lesson which by other means we have failed to grasp, and never can it be eradicated until that lesson is learnt.
Disease may be prevented before its onset — or aborted in its earlier stages — if proper corrective spiritual and mental efforts be undertaken. Nor need anyone despair in any case, however severe, for the fact that the individual is still granted physical life indicates that the Soul who rules is not without hope.
Excerpted from the writer's book, Heal Thyself.
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