Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Women Indonesia Is Vulnerable To Depression

By: Dr. Andri, SpKJ *For handling patients with psychosomatic complaints, I often found basic diagnosis of patients with physical complaints that do not clear this is a disorder of anxiety and depression. Another thing I observed is that women are more often experience depression than anxious. If there are symptoms of a patient undergoing cemasnya, normally complaints depression which is more dominant.

This is certainly not a new thing in the world of Psychiatry. According to various studies that have been made, women are more likely to experience depression in comparison with men. Many factors affect this has been expressed.  However, the average research based in the community of Western countries.

I try to examine and sort out if what makes women Indonesia who came to practice a lot more experienced than Depression anxiety disorders.

1. Hormonal

Same as in the West, women of Indonesia research a few is also very disturbed with monthly hormonal cycle is also often coinciding with the change of mood or atmosphere of feeling uncomfortable. They usually experience an uncomfortable conditions towards menstruation and during menstruation. Statistically it is women in his life since the first phase of the mens (menarche) until later after menopause would quite often related to problems associated with hormonal mood for.

2. the demands of the role

The role of women let alone who married very complex. Women have to be a wife, mother of his son and even create "mother" for her husband as well, too often the people who expected women to help his family. The complexity of this role makes women vulnerable to stress. Moreover, if coupled with the desire of fixed mengaktualisasikaan which in fact often hampered. Acceptance of the role and the demands on it that can help women cope with the problem.

3. Conflict of households

A lot of cases I handle associated with the domestic conflict and most often is the husband's infidelity. Sometimes, this coupled with the attitude of most people around the neighborhood women had a "valued" the husband's infidelity. This is increasingly becoming a heavy burden for women who feel treated unfair.

4. the child is in trouble

Children often triggers the stress of parents especially mothers. Women in the household are often given more tasks in taking care of the child and this makes it is often more susceptible to stress, especially in the face of troubled children. The role of the husband in this condition is expected to be much help so that the role of the mother becomes easier.

So a bit of my examination results to cases that are often experienced by women who are experiencing depression. Other factors may exist and may be the dominant factor for each woman. Berempatilah with women Indonesia! Healthy Greeting People.

* Psychiatrist Keminatan Psychosomatic Medicine

healt and safety

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