Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The sweet benefits of Pare

KOMPAS.com-Not many people liked the pare because it feels bitter. When vegetables are easily found around us has a "sweet" benefits to the body because of the many nutrients including calcium, vitamin C, and iron.

Blessed to pare lovers or those who can compromise the bitter taste of the pare. Because, according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the bitter is regularly used to treat or prevent cancer, infections, and digestive problems.

The National Bitter Melon Council reported that the pare containing vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C; iron; vitamin A; calcium, in numbers that much.

As you well know, vitamin C is essential for the production of cartilage and immunity of the body. Iron is necessary for transporting oxygen throughout the body. And vitamin A contained in the pare, as beta-carotene, is very easily absorbed by the body and white to increase immune health vision as well. While calcium helps the body build muscle and bone.

Like most other vegetables, low in calories and fat pare. But the difference is in the amount of protein-containing pare. Still according to the National Bitter Melon Council, 3.5 grams of pare containing almost 6 grams of protein--the amount of this (protein) is much more in comparison with other vegetables such as spinach and carrots.

Other features are, pare also contain antioxidants--substances that are capable of countering malicious processes in the body or is usualy called oxidation. And if the level of oxidation in the body greatly improved will cause damage to DNA, so that the risk of cancer increases.

Presence of antioxidants in the pare evidenced by the existence of a study published in the "LWT-Food Science and Technology" Edition in March 2008, it was concluded that the pare wild found in Taiwan have antioxidants (polyphenols and flavonoids) with a high level.

However, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center advised to be cautious in consuming pare. Although healthy if eaten too much can lead to low sugar levels. And to extract supplement pare, pengasupan should be consulted beforehand with physicians to ensure their safety.  (M10-11)

healt and safety

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