Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In order that the child is free of germs, Teach 6 it is

your healty - Personal hygiene of a child should be a top priority of the parent as prevention efforts of the various kinds of germs that might cause the disease. Kids tend to be easily exposed to the disease because of ignorance and curiosity.

Therefore, it is important for parents to inculcate a clean life habits early on. There are some fundamental things that you must teach the child related to implement live clean:

1. wash your hands

After the child is taught to wash their hands, it would be easy to teach him when he had to wash your hands. Experts argue that the best way to make children want to wash your hands is to sing a song. Teach how to wash your hands properly like rubbing the palms, the surface of the hand and between the fingers. And most importantly, You have to teach him to clean up the dirt on her nails.

2. toothbrush

Dental care is required since a one-year-old child to prevent the risk of cavities. Many ways to make kids want to scrub the tooth. One of them is by giving a toothbrush that illustrated his favorite card, so that it becomes a fun activity for him. Make sure that he was brushing his incisors and canines with the movement up and down. Teach the child to brushing your teeth twice a day to remove the remaining food was sticking to the teeth.

3. cleaning the tongue

Teach your child to clean out his tongue after brushing your teeth. The tongue is a great place for bacteria to grow and develop. Tell Your kids to clean up two-thirds of the tongue and hindarkan rough brush users (to prevent abrasions).

4. Bathe twice a day

According to experts, the frequency of bathing depending on the season. During the summer, children usually sweating and hence a bath twice a day will help clean your child's skin. Teach him to rub the face, hands, feet, armpits, base and lower thighs, and rinse all SOAP on his body with running water. If your child refuses to shower, persuade him to put her favorite toy in the bath.

5. clean the ears

Child ear hygiene should not be escaped your attention. Bring your child to the doctor so that dirt in his ears can be cleaned up to prevent the risk of complications such as infection, irritation or damage to the eardrum.

6. own Bath

A child should be taught to be able to clear himself. It is intended for independent children. You can teach it when the child reaches the age of two or three years.

healt and safety

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