Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lost Babies Can "Shorten The Age"

your healty  —Lose the fruit of the heart indeed very painful, especially for the elderly, and not infrequently also traumatizing and sadness. However, more recent study in the journal BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care showing, losing a child can be risky at the death.

Researchers say, parents who have lost infants aged under one year tend to have shorter age. It says also that the parents who are grieving four times more at risk to die early in the first 10 years pascakehilangan children compared to those who do not grieve.

The conclusion above is intended for parents who lost their child from postpartum depression, or for those who lost her baby in the first year of life.

Researchers from the University of York and the University of Stirling says, an increased risk of death among older people who are grieving should become a major concern. In their opinion, required a large-scale study to identify the cause of death and find ways how to help the elderly.

"For example, the bereaved parents may be more likely to commit suicide than those who do not grieve," said the researcher.

Stress due to the loss may also have significant effects on the body, such as suppressing the immune system and increases the risk of disease.

The results showed that the parents in Scotland twice more likely to die within the first 15 years of pascakehilangan a child. In the meantime, to mothers in the United Kingdom and Wales four times more risky died pascakehilangan child.

healt and safety

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