Sunday, July 19, 2009

Nourish your bones!


Maintaining your bones with diet and excercise keeps you fit for longer!

Did you know that 90 per cent of the calcium in a human body is stored in our bones and teeth? Calcium is an extremely important mineral as it helps in the development of a healthy body structure/ skeleton early in life. It minimises weakening of bones as one ages. A balanced and nutritious diet, rich in calcium and vitamin D, helps in absorbing calcium and is a must for maintaining healthy bones.
It results in greater demineralisation which leads to further reduction of calcium from the bones. A calciumrich diet also helps in maintaining proper blood pressure, heart beat and nervous system. Research has also revealed that there is a positive correlation between calcium intake and the incidence of premenstrual syndrome. This mineral plays a vital role in controlling osteoporosis, a condition in which deficiency of calcium
leads to weak and fragile bones, further increasing the incidence of fractures in elderly people. Excess weight, obesity also tends to worsen this condition.
CALCIUM IS RECOMMENDED FOR EVERYONE I Including pregnant or breastfeeding women, who should include the specified quantity of calcium in their diets: Infants — 300 mg
Children — 600-800 mg Adults — 1000 mg Pregnant women — 1300 mg L a c t a t i n g mothers —1300 mg Post-menopausal women —1200 mg
SOME FOODS THAT ARE A RICH SOURCE OF CALCIUM ARE I Cheese, tofu, yoghurt, calcium fortified soy drink, orange juice, canned sardine and also fresh fish. Soy products are highly recommended for postmenopausal women as they help in building strong bones. Chinese cabbage, turnips, mustard greens, dried figs, soy nuts should also be included in regular diet. Avoid excessive intake of animal protein, as it obstructs the absorption of calcium.
It helps in calcium absorption. An hour of direct sunlight
everyday is ideal for the human body. Fish oils and eggs are also a rich source of vitamin D and should be included in the daily diet. Excessive alcohol should be avoided as it reduces the ability of the bones to absorb vitamins and calcium. Regular exercise in any form, running, skipping, aerobics, tennis, weight training and brisk walking is a must for healthy bones.
(Jyoti Arora, team leader — nutrition & dietitics, Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon)

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