Saturday, September 5, 2009

Herbs for Healthy Lungs

Have you heard words started with pulmo? That is the medical terms related with lungs, from the Latin word pulmones. We have couple of lung organs located in our thorax, right lung is divided into three lobus (parts), and left lung has two lobus. Lungs are covered by ribs, and 2 layers of pleura. Pleura protect lungs and make them easier to expand and shrink inside the chest.

There are some risk for our lungs because of bad air and pollution. However some herbs are proved well to be consumed for the health of our lungs:

1. Centella asiatica: anti-infection, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. It is commonly used in medical to deal with TB.
2. Cardamom: used for people with asthma
3. Mengkudu: contains Lasperuloside, alizarin, and some substances which are antibacterial antraquinon that support for the treatment of skin infections, colds, fever, and various problems due to bacteria. Ascorbic acid which are antioxidants to neutralize free radicals and improve endurance, also contain anti-cancer agents (damnachanthal).
4. Red Ginger: stimulates the vasomotor respiratory tract (nerves that affect blood vessel narrowing), relieve coughs and colds, blood circulation, warm the body and maintain stamina.

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