Thursday, November 13, 2008


As a healing remedy, honey can address multiple issues. There are far more benefits from taking honey than I will include here. Scientific research is ongoing surrounding the benefits of this remarkable substance. I’ve included some interesting benefits you may not know about.

1. Taking organic raw honey is a healthy way to get an energy boost. Its carbohydrates supply us with energy and strength. It can boost your endurance and reduce muscle fatigue.

2. Honey is a great aid in relieving morning sickness, reportedly even more effective than traditional soda crackers. It’s also good for sore throats including laryngitis and pharyngitis.

3. Honey and cinnamon can help in many areas including relief from bladder infections, arthritis, upset stomach and bad breath. It’s even supposed to be able to slow down hair loss.

4. Honey can be used as a medication for men with problems of impotence and women with problems related to infertility. Warm raw goat milk and raw honey is believed to increase sperm count considerably.

5. A salve made of honey, for diabetic ulcers, has been proven effective when other topical antibiotics are not well tolerated. It can be applied to eczema, canker sores or bleeding gums.

6. Honey and apple cider vinegar can be used for many ailments like stomach aches, constipation and even migraines.

7. Honey and lemon goes to work in the body shifting the extra fat stores, thus making it usable energy for regular body functions. And, honey is cholesterol-free. It reportedly can even help to keep cholesterol levels in check

8. Honey has a viscous texture due to its low water content. It also establishes a poor environment for bad bacteria to grow, and is a good natural preservative.

Honey is a remarkable natural substance that is receiving a lot of well deserved attention. Remember that it’s best to use locally grown, organic raw honey. Seek out local markets for organic goods to get the freshest products. Support your local independent farmers; helping them to stay in business is good for them and for your economy.

And for more information about honey, visit the sites listed in our Related Articles section below.


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